How to use CSS selectors to retrieve specific links lying in some class using BeautifulSoup?


I am new to Python and I am learning it for scraping purposes I am using BeautifulSoup to collect links (i.e href of ‘a’ tag). I am trying to collect the links under the “UPCOMING EVENTS” tab of site I am using Firebug to inspect the element and to get the CSS path but this code returns me nothing. I am looking for the fix and also some suggestions for how I can choose proper CSS selectors to retrieve desired links from any site. I wrote this piece of code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

import requests

url = ""

r  = requests.get(url)

data = r.text

soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
for link in 'html body div.non-overlay.gray-trans-back div.container div.row div.span8 li.h-item div.h-meta div.title a[href]'):
    print link.get('href')
Asked By: Flecha



The page is not the most friendly in the use of classes and markup, but even so your CSS selector is too specific to be useful here.

If you want Upcoming Events, you want just the first <div class="events-horizontal">, then just grab the <div class="title"><a href="..."></div> tags, so the links on titles:

upcoming_events_div = soup.select_one('')
for link in'div.title a[href]'):

Note that you should not use r.text; use r.content and leave decoding to Unicode to BeautifulSoup. See Encoding issue of a character in utf-8

Answered By: Martijn Pieters
import bs4 , requests

res = requests.get("")
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text)
for link in'a[property="schema:url"]'):
    print link.get('href')

This code will work fine!!

Answered By: Anuj Saraswat