Time duration of user input


I’d like to know how long it takes a user to enter an input that I record with raw_input().
I.e. does it take them 1 second or 10 seconds to enter something on the command line.

Is there an established way of doing this, or would I need to invent my own way of doing this?

Asked By: LukasKawerau



If all you need is second resolution (not millisecond/microsecond), you can surround the code with time.time() to get the beginning/ending times, then subtract.

import time

start = time.time()
in_str = raw_input("Enter the thing:")
end = time.time()
elapsed = end-start
print "That took you " + str(elapsed) + " seconds. Man, you're slow."

If you want it at a greater resolution, take a look at the code presented here: python time(milli seconds) calculation

Answered By: TheSoundDefense

you can use time.time() for this purpose

import time
inp=raw_input(" enter the input")
print start-time.time()
Answered By: sundar nataraj

You could use time.time() before and after the input, then just take the difference. The answer will be in seconds.

>>> import time
>>> t1 = time.time()
>>> s = raw_input("enter something")
>>> t2 = time.time()
>>> enter_time = t2-t1
>>> enter_time
Answered By: Cory Kramer

You can also use the timeit module.

import timeit

def read_input():
    global in_str
    in_str = raw_input('Enter text: ')

in_str = ''

s = total_time = timeit.timeit('read_input()', number=1,
                               setup='from __main__ import read_input')


The s will be in seconds, but it has microsecond granularity on Windows and 1/60s on Linux.

Answered By: jure
import time
start = time.time()
in_str = input("Enter the thing:")
end = time.time()
elapsed = end-start

If you use this it should give you the answer in and precisely to a long list of decimal points. @TheSoundDefence for most of this code.

Answered By: TaterTots'