Parsing a tweet to extract hashtags into an array


I am having a heck of a time taking the information in a tweet including hashtags, and pulling each hashtag into an array using Python. I am embarrassed to even put what I have been trying thus far.

For example, “I love #stackoverflow because #people are very #helpful!”

This should pull the 3 hashtags into an array.

Asked By: Scott



hashtags = [word for word in tweet.split() if word[0] == "#"]
Answered By: smehmood

A simple regex should do the job:

>>> import re
>>> s = "I love #stackoverflow because #people are very #helpful!"
>>> re.findall(r"#(w+)", s)
['stackoverflow', 'people', 'helpful']

Note though, that as suggested in other answers, this may also find non-hashtags, such as a hash location in a URL:

>>> re.findall(r"#(w+)", "")

So another simple solution would be the following (removes duplicates as a bonus):

>>> def extract_hash_tags(s):
...    return set(part[1:] for part in s.split() if part.startswith('#'))
>>> extract_hash_tags("#test #test")
Answered By: AndiDog
>>> s="I love #stackoverflow because #people are very #helpful!"
>>> [i  for i in s.split() if i.startswith("#") ]
['#stackoverflow', '#people', '#helpful!']
Answered By: ghostdog74

AndiDogs answer will screw up with links and other stuff, you may want to filter them out first. After that use this code:

UTF_CHARS = ur'a-z0-9_u00c0-u00d6u00d8-u00f6u00f8-u00ff'
TAG_EXP = ur'(^|[^0-9A-Z&/]+)(#|uff03)([0-9A-Z_]*[A-Z_]+[%s]*)' % UTF_CHARS

It may seem overkill but this has been converted from here
It will handle like 99% of all hashtags in the same way that twitter handles them.

For more converted twitter regex check out this:

Check out:

Answered By: Ivo Wetzel

Suppose that you have to retrieve your #Hashtags from a sentence full of punctuation symbols. Let’s say that #stackoverflow #people and #helpfulare terminated with different symbols, you want to retrieve them from text but you may want to avoid repetitions:

>>> text = "I love #stackoverflow, because #people... are very #helpful! Are they really #helpful??? Yes #people in #stackoverflow are really really #helpful!!!"

if you try with set([i for i in text.split() if i.startswith("#")]) alone, you will get:

>>> set(['#helpful???',

which in my mind is redundant. Better solution using RE with module re:

>>> import re
>>> set([re.sub(r"(W+)$", "", j) for j in set([i for i in text.split() if i.startswith("#")])])
>>> set(['#people', '#helpful', '#stackoverflow'])

Now it’s ok for me.


Add the re.UNICODE flag if you want to delete punctuations, but still preserving letters with accents, apostrophes and other unicode-encoded stuff which may be important if the #Hashtags may be expected not to be only in english… maybe this is only an italian guy nightmare, maybe not! 😉

For example:

>>> text = u"I love #stackoverflòw, because #peoplè... are very #helpfùl! Are they really #helpfùl??? Yes #peoplè in #stackoverflòw are really really #helpfùl!!!"

will be unicode-encoded as:

>>> u'I love #stackoverflxf2w, because #peoplxe8... are very #helpfxf9l! Are they really #helpfxf9l??? Yes #peoplxe8 in #stackoverflxf2w are really really #helpfxf9l!!!'

and you can retrieve your (correctly encoded) #Hashtags in this way:

>>> set([re.sub(r"(W+)$", "", j, flags = re.UNICODE) for j in set([i for i in text.split() if i.startswith("#")])])
>>> set([u'#stackoverflxf2w', u'#peoplxe8', u'#helpfxf9l'])

EDITx2: UNICODE #Hashtags and control for # repetitions

If you want to control for multiple repetitions of the # symbol, as in (forgive me if the text example has become almost unreadable):

>>> text = u"I love ###stackoverflòw, because ##################peoplè... are very ####helpfùl! Are they really ##helpfùl??? Yes ###peoplè in ######stackoverflòw are really really ######helpfùl!!!"
>>> u'I love ###stackoverflxf2w, because ##################peoplxe8... are very ####helpfxf9l! Are they really ##helpfxf9l??? Yes ###peoplxe8 in ######stackoverflxf2w are really really ######helpfxf9l!!!'

then you should substitute these multiple occurrences with a unique #.
A possible solution is to introduce another nested implicit set() definition with the sub() function replacing occurrences of more-than-1 # with a single #:

>>> set([re.sub(r"#+", "#", k) for k in set([re.sub(r"(W+)$", "", j, flags = re.UNICODE) for j in set([i for i in text.split() if i.startswith("#")])])])
>>> set([u'#stackoverflxf2w', u'#peoplxe8', u'#helpfxf9l']) 
Answered By: Gabriele Pompa

i had a lot of issues with unicode languages.

i had seen many ways to extract hashtag, but found non of them answering on all cases

so i wrote some small python code to handle most of the cases. it works for me.

def get_hashtagslist(string):
    ret = []
    hashtag = False
    for char in string:
        if char=='#':
            hashtag = True
            if s:

        # take only the prefix of the hastag in case contain one of this chars (like on:  '#happy,but i..' it will takes only 'happy'  )
        if hashtag and char in [' ','.',',','(',')',':','{','}'] and s:

        if hashtag:

    if s:

    return list(set([word for word in ret if len(ret)>1 and len(ret)<20]))
Answered By: Eyal Ch

simple gist (better than chosen answer)
also work with unicode hashtags

Answered By: Victor Gavro

I extracted hashtags in a silly but effective way.

def retrive(s):
    indice_t = []
    tags = []
    tmp_str = ''
    s = s.strip()
    for i in range(len(s)):
        if s[i] == "#":
    for i in range(len(indice_t)):
        index = indice_t[i]
        if i == len(indice_t)-1:
            boundary = len(s)
            boundary = indice_t[i+1]
        index += 1
        while index < boundary:
            if s[index] in "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|\:;'"",.<>?/ nt":
                tmp_str = ''
                tmp_str += s[index]
                index += 1
        if tmp_str != '':
    return tags
Answered By: Z.Potato

The best Twitter hashtag regular expression:

import re
text = "#promovolt #1st # promovolt #123"
re.findall(r'B#w*[a-zA-Z]+w*', text)

>>> ['#promovolt', '#1st']

enter image description here

Answered By: korniichuk
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