Tips for debugging list comprehensions?


Python list comprehensions are nice, but near impossible to debug. You guys have any good tips / tools for debugging them?

Asked By: andylei



If it’s complicated enough that it’s not obvious at first glance, unpack it into multiple steps and/or for loops. It’s clearly too complicated, and making it more explicit is the easiest way to go about debugging it. Added bonus: you can now step through with the debugger or add print statements!

Answered By: Steven Schlansker

tip: Use list comprehension for simple tasks (1 or 2 levels). Otherwise, making it explicit is better for readability.

Answered By: ghostdog74

In Haskell I using something similar to:

def trcPV(prompt, value):
    print ("%s%s" % (prompt, str(value)))
    return value

xs = trcPV("xs=", [x for x in range(0,100) if trcPV("check=",(trcPV("x=",x) % 15) in [0,3,5])])
Answered By: ony

Use a debugger like pdb to walk through or break the list comprehension into a full for loop.

Answered By: Mike Graham

Haskell list comprehensions at least can be (and that is what compilers do) rewritten in terms of map, concat and filter.

So this Haskell example:

[ x*x | x<-[1..25], even x]

Works out as:

map (x-> x*x) (filter (even) [1..25])

I expect similar identities would continue to hold for Python, so similar decomposition should yield equivalent code in Python as well. The equivalent code should prove easier to debug (and run about as efficiently).

Answered By: user268396

It depends on the list comprehension. You can move a part of the code to another function. This should be a clean solution which is more easy to debug.


[1.0 / i for i in [0, 2, 5, 10]]

Can be divided into

[f(i) for i in [0, 2, 5, 10]] 

and a function

def f(i):         
    return 1.0 / i  

When you do the debugging you will find out it will crash because of a “division-by-zero” error at f for the value of i = 0.

Answered By: Elmex80s

I use a function that just prints and returns a value at the same time:

from pprint import pprint

def debug(msg, item):
    print('n' + msg + ':')
    return item

It’s very handy for debugging any part of a list/dict comprehension:

new_lines = [
    debug('CUR UPDATED LINE', change(line))
    for line
    in debug('ALL LINES', get_lines_from_file(filename))
    if debug('CUR LINE EMPTY?', not_empty(line))
Answered By: Rotareti

Building on Elmex80s very nice response in, using a debug function can also help with TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'method' and 'str' or similar errors in a list comprehension.

A classic

def debug(i):
    print(f"i: {i}, {str(type(i))}")

in a list comprehension like

[debug(item) for item in list]

can be very useful to unravel what item in the list is causing the error.

Answered By: Pebermynte Lars