ipython: how to set terminal width


When I use ipython terminal and want to print a numpy.ndarray which has many columns, the lines are automatically broken somewhere around 80 characters (i.e. the width of the lines is cca 80 chars):

z = zeros((2,20))
print z

Presumably, ipython expects that my terminal has 80 columns. In fact however, my terminal has width of 176 characters and I would like to use the full width.

I have tried changing the following parameter, but this has no effect:

c.PlainTextFormatter.max_width = 160

How can I tell ipython to use full width of my terminal ?

I am using ipython 1.2.1 on Debian Wheezy

Asked By: Martin Vegter



After some digging through the code, it appears that the variable you’re looking for is numpy.core.arrayprint._line_width, which is 75 by default. Setting it to 160 worked for me:

>>> numpy.zeros((2, 20))
array([[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0., 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.],
       [ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]])

The function used by default for array formatting is numpy.core.numeric.array_repr, although you can change this with numpy.core.numeric.set_string_function.

Answered By: Dolda2000

You can see your current line width with


and set it with


Automatically set printing width

If you’d like the terminal width to be set automatically, you can have Python execute a startup script. So create a file ~/.python_startup.py or whatever you want to call it, with this inside it:

# Set the printing width to the current terminal width for NumPy.
# Note: if you change the terminal's width after starting Python,
#       it will not update the printing width.
from os import getenv
terminal_width = getenv('COLUMNS')
    terminal_width = int(terminal_width)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
    print('Sorry, I was unable to read your COLUMNS environment variable')
    terminal_width = None

if terminal_width is not None and terminal_width > 0:
    from numpy import set_printoptions
    set_printoptions(linewidth = terminal_width)

del terminal_width

and to have Python execute this every time, open your ~/.bashrc file, and add

# Instruct Python to execute a start up script
export PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/.python_startup.py
# Ensure that the startup script will be able to access COLUMNS
export COLUMNS
Answered By: Garrett

To automatically resize both numpy and IPython whenever your window size changes, add the following to your ipython_config.py:

import IPython
import signal
import shutil
import sys
    import numpy as np
except ImportError:

c = get_config()

def update_terminal_width(*ignored):
    """Resize the IPython and numpy printing width to match the terminal."""
    w, h = shutil.get_terminal_size()

    config = IPython.get_ipython().config
    config.PlainTextFormatter.max_width = w - 1
    shell = IPython.core.interactiveshell.InteractiveShell.instance()

    if 'numpy' in sys.modules:
        import numpy as np
        np.set_printoptions(linewidth=w - 5)

# We need to configure IPython here differently because get_ipython() does not
# yet exist.
w, h = shutil.get_terminal_size()
c.PlainTextFormatter.max_width = w - 1
if 'numpy' in sys.modules:
    import numpy as np
    np.set_printoptions(linewidth=w - 5)

signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, update_terminal_width)

If you want to delay loading numpy until necessary, look at Post import hooks in Python 3 for a solution.

If you’re not using IPython, put the above in your PYTHONSTARTUP file and remove the IPython-specific lines.

Answered By: Mark Lodato

use this method :


and widen your iphyton view using this:

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:95% !important; }</style>"))
Answered By: Dody Dharma
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