how to check DEBUG true/false in django template – exactly in layout.html


I would like distinguish a look of some toolbar in layout.html depending if DEBUG = True or not.

I am aware of this answer using django.core.context_processors.debug but it forces me to use RequestContext instead of Request what I not really like, btw how can I use RequestContext for layout.html which extends base.html?

And generally is there some better way to that than mentioned one or the one using custom template tag?

I am currently on Django 1.7

Asked By: andilabs



In newer versions of Django it is possible just by specifying INTERNAL_IPS in settings.

For example:


and then in template just:

{% if debug %}

because context processors responsible for that by default, and the answers from How to check the TEMPLATE_DEBUG flag in a django template? are bit deprecated.

Answered By: andilabs