flask-migrate doesn't detect models


I am reading (and watching) about Flask-Migrate here:
and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJibNSI-iaE#t=21

and doing everything from this tutorial:

  • I started a local postgres server (using Postgres.App, which started the server at postgresql://localhost:5432)
  • updated configs as per said tutorial
  • updated app.py, created a models.py etc.

After you install Flask-Migrate and run

python manage.py db init
python manage.py db migrate

it should detect all tables declared in models.py.

In my case, it detects nothing. And, based on the comments to the tutorial, it’s not just my case.
So, how do I make this work?

Asked By: kurtgn



Make sure your model is imported by your app. In most cases your views.py should do that. But you can also import it directly from your app.py.

Answered By: Klaus D.

Be sure that you’re importing your models the same way throughout your application.

For example, I was using the following in my __init__.py:

from .models import *

And the following in my manage.py:

from databases import models

Because these have diff namespaces, flask_manager thinks there are duplicated tables. (Note, I found this solution in the following github issue / thread.)

Fix and all will be well.

Answered By: Yaakov Bressler

If Flask can’t detect your models, add this to env.py in migrations folder:
from models import *

Answered By: movax100movbx20mul

You need to import your model literally anywhere in your code, so SQLAlchemy can recognize it.

Answered By: Cabaj