Run code after flask application has started


My goal is to get arbitrary code to run after my Flask application is started. Here is what I’ve got:

def run():
    from webapp import app, use_reloader=False)

Ideally I would be able to just do this:

def run():
    from webapp import app, use_reloader=False)

But the code doesn’t continue past, so some_code() never runs.

The solution I’m working on at the moment is to run some_code() in a separate thread from, create a before first request function that sets this:

app.is_running = True

Then get some_code() to shoot a basic request to app so that the ‘before first request’ code runs. This is fairly convoluted and going to be hard to document. I would rather use app.is_running parameter which already is provided in Flask, or use a @app.after_server_start decorator, but to my knowledge neither of those exists.

Help me make this code better?

Posthumous: Every time I think about this issue, it makes me wish that a @app.after_server_start decorator existed.

Asked By: kai



Use Flask-Script to run your app, then overwrite the runserver class/method like this


from flask_script import Manager

from myapp import app

manager = Manager(app)

def crazy_call():

def runserver():

if __name__ == "__main__":
Answered By: CESCO

If you need to execute some code after your flask application is started but strictly before the first request, not even be triggered by the execution of the first request as @app.before_first_request can handle, you should use Flask_Script, as CESCO said, but you could subclass the class Server and overwrite the __ call __ method, instead of overwriting the runserver command with @manager.command:

from flask import Flask
from flask_script import Manager, Server

def custom_call():
    #Your code

class CustomServer(Server):
    def __call__(self, app, *args, **kwargs):
        #Hint: Here you could manipulate app
        return Server.__call__(self, app, *args, **kwargs)

app = Flask(__name__)
manager = Manager(app)

# Remeber to add the command to your Manager instance
manager.add_command('runserver', CustomServer())

if __name__ == "__main__":

This way you don’t override default options of runserver command.

Answered By: Ismael

I encountered this same issue in a flask app of mine. I wanted to start a scheduler at app startup, which would kick off some jobs at regular intervals. Since I deploy my apps inside docker containers, what I ended up doing is adding an “health check” endpoint which just returns a 200, and in my dockerfile configured that endpoint:

HEALTHCHECK CMD curl --fail http://localhost:8080/alive || exit 1

The default behavior is to execute that command every 30s, and the first run conveniently kicks off my init() method.

Answered By: skelly

I just did (in a executed with python

with app.app_context():
    from module import some_code

def run():
    from webapp import app, use_reloader=False)

This worked for me without the more comprehensive answers offered above. In my case some_code() is initializing a cache via flask_caching.Cache.

But it probably depends on what exactly some_code is doing…

Answered By: jtlz2

I don’t really like any of the methods mentioned above, for the fact that you don’t need Flask-Script to do this, and not all projects are going to use Flask-Script already.

The easiest method, would be to build your own Flask sub-class. Where you construct your app with Flask(__name__), you would simply add your own class and use it instead.

def do_something():
  print('MyFlaskApp is starting up!')

class MyFlaskApp(Flask):
  def run(self, host=None, port=None, debug=None, load_dotenv=True, **options):
    if not self.debug or os.getenv('WERKZEUG_RUN_MAIN') == 'true':
      with self.app_context():
    super(MyFlaskApp, self).run(host=host, port=port, debug=debug, load_dotenv=load_dotenv, **options)

app = MyFlaskApp(__name__)

Of course, this doesn’t run after it starts, but right before run() is finally called. With app context, you should be able to do anything you may need to do with the database or anything else requiring app context. This should work with any server (uwsgi, gunicorn, etc.) as well.

If you need the do_something() to be non-blocking, you can simply thread it with threading.Thread(target=do_something).start() instead.

The conditional statement is to prevent the double call when using debug mode/reloader.

Answered By: jslay

If you want to run a bunch of command (as a regular Py app) after flask run, use a multi processing library (for example multiprocessing), In this solution you can have an API/Web application beside of a system program.

import flask
from flask import request, jsonify,make_response
import time
import multiprocessing

app = flask.Flask('__name__')

def API(Conf):
   print('In API selction')'', port=1337,)
if __name__ == "__main__":
   config = {"Something":"SomethingElese"}
   p = multiprocessing.Process(target=API, args=(Conf,))
   print('After Flask run')

Note: above code just a sample/idea. Maybe have some error. (But I used this solution in production area and it’s fine.)

P.S. : (in my perspective) the problem of this solution: more difficulty in debugging section.

Answered By: Milad Fadavvi

I was using flask to test that a web service and client application were communicating intelligibly. (That is, as part of an automatic regression test to ensure that the plumbing of the web interface onto a backend utility was to protocol.)

I ran flask in a concurrent thread, like this:

import flask, requests, multiprocessing

app = flask.Flask(__name__)

def frontpage():
    return "Hello World"

server = multiprocessing.Process(

    # Is time.sleep(n) needed here to avoid a potential race condition?

    assert requests.get("").text == "Hello World"


My actual case used OWSLib instead of requests, and flask was serving a WSGI application (PyWPS wrapping other code), which necessitated translating complex geometry objects between different interface layers. Nonetheless the basic problem was: to start the flask app (without blocking), to then run something that requires the live host, and tear down immediately afterward (without also publishing a shutdown button).

Answered By: benjimin
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