downloading error using


I am experimenting NLTK package using Python. I tried to downloaded NLTK using I got this kind of error message. How to solve this problem? Thanks.

The system I used is Ubuntu installed under VMware. The IDE is Spyder.

enter image description here

After using'all'), it can download some packages, but it gets error message when downloading oanc_masc

enter image description here

Asked By: user288609



To download a particular dataset/models, use the function, e.g. if you are looking to download the punkt sentence tokenizer, use:

$ python3
>>> import nltk

If you’re unsure of which data/model you need, you can start out with the basic list of data + models with:

>>> import nltk

It will download a list of “popular” resources.

Ensure that you’ve the latest version of NLTK because it’s always improving and constantly maintain:

$ pip install --upgrade nltk


In case anyone is avoiding errors from downloading larger datasets from nltk, from

$ rm /Users/<your_username>/nltk_data/corpora/
$ rm -r /Users/<your_username>/nltk_data/corpora/panlex_lite
$ python

>>> import nltk
>>> dler = nltk.downloader.Downloader()
>>> dler._update_index()
>>> dler._status_cache['panlex_lite'] = 'installed' # Trick the index to treat panlex_lite as it's already installed.

And if anyone wants to find nltk_data directory, see

And to config nltk_data path, see

Answered By: alvas

From command line, after importing nltk, try'popular', halt_on_error=False)

After an error it will ask to retry broken package, just decline with n and it will continue with proper packages.

Answered By: tolgayilmaz

I had this error:

Resource punkt not found. Please use the NLTK Downloader to obtain the resource: import nltk'punkt')

When I tried to solve by writing:

import nltk

my computer shut downs suddenly and anaconda also closed. When I try to open it always shows an error.

I solved the problem by writing:

import nltk'punkt')

a) in OSX either run

sudo /Applications/Python 3.6/Install Certificates.command

b) switch to admin user (the one you have set up with administrator privileges)

and type at command line:

/Applications/Python 3.6/Install Certificates.command


  • “” are necessary because they escape blank characters in file names.
  • This procedure worked if you have python 3.6 installed, otherwise
    change it in order to match your install python version… for this

ls /Applications

and look at the python directory name you have there.

Answered By: Alexandre

An easy(hard) way to get over this error is to do the process manually. Just go to the website and download the required zip file and extract the contents.

In Windows, go to user/AppData/local/Programs/Python/Python(version)/lib and create a folder nltk_data. Then create the respective folder. As an example, for ‘punkt’ create the folder tokenizers and add the folder ‘punkt’ inside the extracted folder to it. This info is mostly given by the terminal itself.

Run your program. Cheers!

EDIT 1: Of course, downloading all files can be time-consuming, but it’s the only option if the "urlopen error" persists.

EDIT 2 It is also mostly your router or network at fault that you are not able to download nltk files. Try changing your network and that should help.

Answered By: Hyperion