How to split but ignore separators in quoted strings, in python?


I need to split a string like this, on semicolons. But I don’t want to split on semicolons that are inside of a string (‘ or “). I’m not parsing a file; just a simple string with no line breaks.

part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5

Result should be:

  • part 1
  • “this is ; part 2;”
  • ‘this is ; part 3’
  • part 4
  • this “is ; part” 5

I suppose this can be done with a regex but if not; I’m open to another approach.

Asked By: Sylvain



This regex will do that: (?:^|;)("(?:[^"]+|"")*"|[^;]*)

Answered By: dawg

While it could be done with PCRE via lookaheads/behinds/backreferences, it’s not really actually a task that regex is designed for due to the need to match balanced pairs of quotes.

Instead it’s probably best to just make a mini state machine and parse through the string like that.


As it turns out, due to the handy additional feature of Python re.findall which guarantees non-overlapping matches, this can be more straightforward to do with a regex in Python than it might otherwise be. See comments for details.

However, if you’re curious about what a non-regex implementation might look like:

x = """part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5"""

results = [[]]
quote = None
for c in x:
  if c == "'" or c == '"':
    if c == quote:
      quote = None
    elif quote == None:
      quote = c
  elif c == ';':
    if quote == None:

results = [''.join(x) for x in results]

# results = ['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'",
#            'part 4', 'this "is ; part" 5']
Answered By: Amber
>>> x = '''part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5'''
>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r'''(?:[^;'"]+|'(?:[^']|\.)*'|"(?:[^']|\.)*")+''', x)
['part 1', "this is ';' part 2", "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ; part" 5']
Answered By: Max Shawabkeh

This seemed to me an semi-elegant solution.

New Solution:

import re
reg = re.compile('('|").*?\1')
pp = re.compile('.*?;')
def splitter(string):
    #add a last semicolon
    string += ';'
    replaces = []
    s = string
    i = 1
    #replace the content of each quote for a code
    for quote in reg.finditer(string):
        out = string[quote.start():quote.end()]
        s = s.replace(out, '**' + str(i) + '**')
    #split the string without quotes
    res = pp.findall(s)

    #add the quotes again
    #TODO this part could be faster.
    #(lineal instead of quadratic)
    i = 1
    for replace in replaces:
        for x in range(len(res)):
            res[x] = res[x].replace('**' + str(i) + '**', replace)
    return res

Old solution:

I choose to match if there was an opening quote and wait it to close, and the match an ending semicolon. each “part” you want to match needs to end in semicolon.
so this match things like this :

  • ‘foobar;.sska’;
  • “akjshd;asjkdhkj..,”;
  • asdkjhakjhajsd.jhdf;


mm = re.compile('''((?P<quote>'|")?.*?(?(quote)\2|);)''')
res = mm.findall('''part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4''')

you may have to do some postprocessing to res, but it contains what you want.

Answered By: msemelman

Even though I’m certain there is a clean regex solution (so far I like @noiflection’s answer), here is a quick-and-dirty non-regex answer.

s = """part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5"""

inQuotes = False
current = ""
results = []
currentQuote = ""
for c in s:
    if not inQuotes and c == ";":
        current = ""
    elif not inQuotes and (c == '"' or c == "'"):
        currentQuote = c
        inQuotes = True
    elif inQuotes and c == currentQuote:
        currentQuote = ""
        inQuotes = False
        current += c


print results
# ['part 1', 'this is ; part 2;', 'this is ; part 3', 'part 4', 'this is ; part 5']

(I’ve never put together something of this sort, feel free to critique my form!)

Answered By: Ipsquiggle

You appears to have a semi-colon seperated string. Why not use the csv module to do all the hard work?

Off the top of my head, this should work

import csv 
from StringIO import StringIO 

line = '''part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5'''

data = StringIO(line) 
reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter=';') 
for row in reader: 
    print row 

This should give you something like
("part 1", "this is ; part 2;", 'this is ; part 3', "part 4", "this "is ; part" 5")

Unfortunately, this doesn’t quite work, (even if you do use StringIO, as I intended), due to the mixed string quotes (both single and double). What you actually get is

['part 1', 'this is ; part 2;', "'this is ", " part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ', ' part" 5'].

If you can change the data to only contain single or double quotes at the appropriate places, it should work fine, but that sort of negates the question a bit.

Answered By: Simon Callan

My approach is to replace all non-quoted occurrences of the semi-colon with another character which will never appear in the text, then split on that character. The following code uses the re.sub function with a function argument to search and replace all occurrences of a srch string, not enclosed in single or double quotes or parens, brackets or braces, with a repl string:

def srchrepl(srch, repl, string):
    Replace non-bracketed/quoted occurrences of srch with repl in string.
    resrchrepl = re.compile(r"""(?P<lbrkt>[([{])|(?P<quote>['"])|(?P<sep>["""
                          + srch + """])|(?P<rbrkt>[)]}])""")
    return resrchrepl.sub(_subfact(repl), string)

def _subfact(repl):
    Replacement function factory for regex sub method in srchrepl.
    level = 0
    qtflags = 0
    def subf(mo):
        nonlocal level, qtflags
        sepfound ='sep')
        if  sepfound:
            if level == 0 and qtflags == 0:
                return repl
            if qtflags == 0:
                level += 1
        elif'quote') == "'":
            qtflags ^= 1            # toggle bit 1
            return "'"
        elif'quote') == '"':
            qtflags ^= 2            # toggle bit 2
            return '"'
            if qtflags == 0:
                level -= 1
    return subf

If you don’t care about the bracketed characters, you can simplify this code a lot.
Say you wanted to use a pipe or vertical bar as the substitute character, you would do:

mylist = srchrepl(';', '|', mytext).split('|')

BTW, this uses nonlocal from Python 3.1, change it to global if you need to.

Answered By: Don O'Donnell

Most of the answers seem massively over complicated. You don’t need back references. You don’t need to depend on whether or not re.findall gives overlapping matches. Given that the input cannot be parsed with the csv module so a regular expression is pretty well the only way to go, all you need is to call re.split with a pattern that matches a field.

Note that it is much easier here to match a field than it is to match a separator:

import re
data = """part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5"""
PATTERN = re.compile(r'''((?:[^;"']|"[^"]*"|'[^']*')+)''')
print PATTERN.split(data)[1::2]

and the output is:

['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ; part" 5']

As Jean-Luc Nacif Coelho correctly points out this won’t handle empty groups correctly. Depending on the situation that may or may not matter. If it does matter it may be possible to handle it by, for example, replacing ';;' with ';<marker>;' where <marker> would have to be some string (without semicolons) that you know does not appear in the data before the split. Also you need to restore the data after:

>>> marker = ";!$%^&;"
>>> [r.replace(marker[1:-1],'') for r in PATTERN.split("aaa;;aaa;'b;;b'".replace(';;', marker))[1::2]]
['aaa', '', 'aaa', "'b;;b'"]

However this is a kludge. Any better suggestions?

Answered By: Duncan
re.split(''';(?=(?:[^'"]|'[^']*'|"[^"]*")*$)''', data)

Each time it finds a semicolon, the lookahead scans the entire remaining string, making sure there’s an even number of single-quotes and an even number of double-quotes. (Single-quotes inside double-quoted fields, or vice-versa, are ignored.) If the lookahead succeeds, the semicolon is a delimiter.

Unlike Duncan’s solution, which matches the fields rather than the delimiters, this one has no problem with empty fields. (Not even the last one: unlike many other split implementations, Python’s does not automatically discard trailing empty fields.)

Answered By: Alan Moore

Here is an annotated pyparsing approach:

from pyparsing import (printables, originalTextFor, OneOrMore, 
    quotedString, Word, delimitedList)

# unquoted words can contain anything but a semicolon
printables_less_semicolon = printables.replace(';','')

# capture content between ';'s, and preserve original text
content = originalTextFor(
    OneOrMore(quotedString | Word(printables_less_semicolon)))

# process the string
print delimitedList(content, ';').parseString(test)


['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 
 'this "is ; part" 5']

By using pyparsing’s provided quotedString, you also get support for escaped quotes.

You also were unclear how to handle leading whitespace before or after a semicolon delimiter, and none of your fields in your sample text has any. Pyparsing would parse “a; b ; c” as:

['a', 'b', 'c']
Answered By: PaulMcG

since you do not have ‘n’, use it to replace any ‘;’ that is not in a quote string

>>> new_s = ''
>>> is_open = False

>>> for c in s:
...     if c == ';' and not is_open:
...         c = 'n'
...     elif c in ('"',"'"):
...         is_open = not is_open
...     new_s += c

>>> result = new_s.split('n')

>>> result
['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ; part" 5']
Answered By: remosu
>>> a='A,"B,C",D'
>>> a.split(',')
['A', '"B', 'C"', 'D']

It failed. Now try csv module
>>> import csv
>>> from StringIO import StringIO
>>> data = StringIO(a)
>>> data
<StringIO.StringIO instance at 0x107eaa368>
>>> reader = csv.reader(data, delimiter=',') 
>>> for row in reader: print row

A generalized solution:

import re
regex = '''(?:(?:[^{0}"']|"[^"]*(?:"|$)|'[^']*(?:'|$))+|(?={0}{0})|(?={0}$)|(?=^{0}))'''

delimiter = ';'
data2 = ''';field 1;"field 2";;'field;4';;;field';'7;'''
field = re.compile(regex.format(delimiter))


['', 'field 1', '"field 2"', '', "'field;4'", '', '', "field';'7", '']

This solution:

  • captures all the empty groups (including at the beginning and at the end)
  • works for most popular delimiters including space, tab, and
  • treats quotes inside quotes of the other type as non-special characters
  • if an unmatched unquoted quote is encountered, treats the remainders of the line as quoted
Answered By: Roman

we can create a function of its own

def split_with_commas_outside_of_quotes(string):
    arr = []
    start, flag = 0, False
    for pos, x in enumerate(string):
        if x == '"':
            flag= not(flag)
        if flag == False and x == ',':
            start = pos+1
    return arr
Answered By: Pradeep Pathak

Although the topic is old and previous answers are working well, I propose my own implementation of the split function in python.

This works fine if you don’t need to process large number of strings and is easily customizable.

Here’s my function:

# l is string to parse; 
# splitchar is the separator
# ignore char is the char between which you don't want to split

def splitstring(l, splitchar, ignorechar): 
    result = []
    string = ""
    ignore = False
    for c in l:
        if c == ignorechar:
            ignore = True if ignore == False else False
        elif c == splitchar and not ignore:
            string = ""
            string += c
    return result

So you can run:

line= """part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5"""
splitted_data = splitstring(line, ';', '"')


['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ; part" 5']

The advantage is that this function works with empty fields and with any number of separators in the string.

Hope this helps!

Answered By: Florian Luciano

Instead of splitting on a separator pattern, just capture whatever you need:

>>> import re
>>> data = '''part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5'''
>>> re.findall(r';(['"][^'"]+['"]|[^;]+)', ';' + data)
['part 1', '"this is ; part 2;"', "'this is ; part 3'", 'part 4', 'this "is ', ' part" 5']
Answered By: Michael Spector

Simplest is to use shlex (Simple lexical analysis) — a built in module in Python

import shlex
shlex.split("""part 1;"this is ; part 2;";'this is ; part 3';part 4;this "is ; part" 5 """ )

 '1;this is ; part 2;;this is ; part 3;part',
 'is ; part',
Answered By: Solomon Vimal
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