how to check which version of nltk, scikit learn installed?


In shell script I am checking whether this packages are installed or not, if not installed then install it. So withing shell script:

import nltk
echo nltk.__version__

but it stops shell script at import line

in linux terminal tried to see in this manner:

which nltk

which gives nothing thought it is installed.

Is there any other way to verify this package installation in shell script, if not installed, also install it.

Asked By: nlper



import nltk is Python syntax, and as such won’t work in a shell script.

To test the version of nltk and scikit_learn, you can write a Python script and run it. Such a script may look like

import nltk
import sklearn

print('The nltk version is {}.'.format(nltk.__version__))
print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__))

# The nltk version is 3.0.0.
# The scikit-learn version is 0.15.2.

Note that not all Python packages are guaranteed to have a __version__ attribute, so for some others it may fail, but for nltk and scikit-learn at least it will work.

Answered By: Ffisegydd

Try this:

$ python -c "import nltk; print nltk.__version__"
Answered By: Aaron

You can find NLTK version simply by doing:

In [1]: import nltk

In [2]: nltk.__version__
Out[2]: '3.2.5'

And similarly for scikit-learn,

In [3]: import sklearn

In [4]: sklearn.__version__
Out[4]: '0.19.0'

I’m using python3 here.

Answered By: kmario23

In my machine which is ubuntu 14.04 with python 2.7 installed, if I go here,


there is a file called


If I do a cat VERSION it prints 3.1, which is the NLTK version installed.

Answered By: samsamara

For checking the version of scikit-learn in shell script, if you have pip installed, you can try this command

pip freeze | grep scikit-learn

Hope it helps!

Answered By: prabhat

In Windows® systems you can simply try

pip3 list | findstr scikit

scikit-learn                  0.22.1

If you are on Anaconda try

conda list scikit

scikit-learn              0.22.1           py37h6288b17_0

And this can be used to find out the version of any package you have installed. For example

pip3 list | findstr numpy

numpy                         1.17.4
numpydoc                      0.9.2

Or if you want to look for more than one package at a time

pip3 list | findstr "scikit numpy"

numpy                         1.17.4
numpydoc                      0.9.2
scikit-learn                  0.22.1

Note the quote characters are required when searching for more than one word.

Take care.

Answered By: user3103059

you may check from a python notebook cell as follows

!pip install --upgrade nltk     # needed if nltk is not already installed
import nltk      
print('The nltk version is {}.'.format(nltk.__version__))
print('The nltk version is '+ str(nltk.__version__))


#!pip install --upgrade sklearn      # needed if sklearn is not already installed
import sklearn
print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__))
print('The scikit-learn version is '+ str(nltk.__version__))
Answered By: Orhan Celik

I needed to do the exact same thing and I found the fastest of the solutions proposed yet. Important: I have Anaconda installed.

In Terminal, type:



import nltk



OUTPUT I am seeing:


Answered By: Ana_Ghost

Do not use presort='deprecated' in the below code and it works.

DecisionTreeClassifier(ccp_alpha=0.0, class_weight=None, criterion='entropy',
                       max_depth=15, max_features=None, max_leaf_nodes=None,
                       min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
                       min_samples_leaf=25, min_samples_split=25,
                       min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, presort='deprecated',
                       random_state=None, splitter='best')

Checked with version:

>>> import sklearn
>>> print('The scikit-learn version is {}.'.format(sklearn.__version__))
The scikit-learn version is 0.24.1.
Answered By: little_amb

If it was installed via pip then run pip show scikit-learn on the command line.

Answered By: mer iem