Python 3: Finding word which appears the most times without using import or counter or dictionary, only simple tools like .split() and .lower()


I am currently learning Python and trying to solve a free tutorial question.

Here is the question.

A writer is working on their newest poem, Turing and the Machines. They have hired you to determine the word which appears the most times. You can access the lines of the poem by calling input() repeatedly, and the last line contains the three characters ###. All lines consist of words separated by single spaces; there are no digits or punctuation. Convert all the words to lower-case, and print the word that occurs the most times (we guarantee there will not be a tie).
For example, if the input is

Here is a line like sparkling wine

Line up fast or be the last

# # #

Then the output should be


since it appears twice and no other word appears twice.

……….Below is the closest thing to a solution I can get.

It still lacks , among other things, the facility to allow a user to call input() repeatedly.

And it only prints out the maximum number of the most used word , not the word itself that the question wants.

The poem is supplied by the website shell , at

Let’s assume the user will input the poem one line at a time.

Please help. Thanks a million.


def poem(P):

      P_lower = P.lower()

      P_split = P_lower.split()

      word_list = []

      wordfreq = []

      for i in P_split:

      for i in P_split:


poem('Here is a line like line sparkling line wine')
Asked By: goughgough



This doesn’t use any of the “restricted” tools but only lower(), split() and sort() to return the word with the most occurrences.

def  main():
    done = False
    P = ""
    while not done:
        new_line = input()
        if new_line != "###":
            P += new_line + " "
            done = True
    poem_words = P.lower().split()

    # Initialize variables
    temp = ""
    max_count = 0
    icount = 1
    max_word = ""

    # Do the loop
    for i in range(len(poem_words)):
        if temp == poem_words[i]:
            icount += 1
            temp = poem_words[i]
            icount = 1
        if icount > max_count:
            max_count = icount
            max_word = temp

if __name__ == "__main__":
Answered By: koukouviou

By the way, for those who are interested in the great answer by koukouviou earlier and that works in a Python 3 shell, here it is:

def words(P):
    poem_words = P.lower().split()

    # Remove the # signs
    poem_words = [x for x in poem_words if (x != '#' and x != '###')]

    # Initialize variables
    temp = ""
    max_count = 0
    icount = 1
    max_word = ""

    # Do the loop
    for i in range(len(poem_words)):
        if temp == poem_words[i]:
            icount += 1
            temp = poem_words[i]
            icount = 1
        if icount > max_count:
            max_count = icount
            max_word = temp
    return max_word

poem = "Here is a line like sparkling winenLine up fast or be the lastn# # #"
Answered By: goughgough
attached a newer version as the input are keep coming through input

A = []
counter = []

while True:
    S = input().lower()
    if S == "###": 
    SS = S.split()
    for i in range(0,len(SS)):
        if SS[i] not in A:
            counter[A.index(SS[i])]+= 1
Answered By: Poi

Here is my approach. My code includes the possibility if two or more words have the same number
of appearance.

    def reading():
        global ListLine                 # We make variable 'ListLine' global in case if function CountWord() does not take it
        ListLine = []                   # We define an empty list 'ListLine'
        while True:
            Line = input()              # A line of poem is entered
            NewLine = Line.split()      # We make a list 'NewLine' of individual words

            for i in range(0, len(NewLine)):
                NewString = NewLine[i].lower()    # For each word in list 'NewLine' we make it lowercase
                NewLine.insert(i, NewString)      # We add to a list a lowercase version of a individual word value at position i
                del NewLine[i + 1]                # We delete original word at position i + 1

            ListLine = ListLine + NewLine

            if ListLine[len(ListLine) - 1] == "###":  # If line ends with '###', the loop ends
        return ListLine                           # We get a list of individual words

    def CountWord(ListLine):
        CountList = []                          # We define an empty list 'CountList'
        for i in range(0, len(ListLine)):
            CountWord = ListLine.count(ListLine[i])  # Counting how many times an individual word appears in 'ListLine'
            CountList.insert(i, CountWord)           # We add to a list the result of frequency of appearance of an individual word at position i

        return CountList       # We get a list of counts of individual words

    def Word(CountList):
        global WordList   # We make variable 'WordList' global in case if function RemoveDuplicate() does not take it
        WordList = []     # We defined an empty list 'WordList'
        for i in range(0, len(CountList)):
            if CountList[i] == max(CountList):  # For each index in 'CountList' that has a value of highest count of appearance of individual word,
                Word = ListLine[i]              # get a word from 'ListLine' which have the same index
                WordList.insert(i, Word)        # Add to a list a word at position i a.k.a index
            elif CountList[i] != max(ListLine):  # If above condition was not met, we skip a step

        return WordList     # We get a list of individual words that appears the most in 'NewLine', but might contains duplicates.

    def RemoveDuplicate(Wordlist):
        ResultList = []   # We define an empty list 'CountList'
        for i in WordList:
            if i not in ResultList:  # To remove duplicates we define a condtiotion; if a list 'ResulList' does not contain
                                     # an individual word we insert in a list.

        String = ' '.join(ResultList)  # We convert a list into a string

        if String.endswith('###'):     # If string ends with '###', we remove last four characters (space included),
                                       # else return just final result
            return String[:-4]
            return String

    print(RemoveDuplicate(Word(CountWord(reading())))) # Print the output
Answered By: Pifko6

I’m working through the same tutorial and came up with the code sample below. It’s not great code but keeps to the limits of the tutorial and is commented to explain each step. This does pass the tester on the source page.

#create 4 lists
newList=[]    #to intake each line of new text
fulList=[]    #combine all text in one long list
uniqueList=[] #list of unique words
wordFreq=[]   #frequency of those unique words

#take in all lines
while True:
   if newLine=="###":
   newList=newLine.lower().split() #convert all words to lowercase
   fulList=fulList+newList         #add this to the fulList of all words

#clear memory of items we no longer need

#find and store all unique words
for i in range(0,len(fulList)): #scan all of fulList
   checkWord = fulList[i]
   if checkWord in uniqueList:  #if we already have that word, skip it
   uniqueList.append(checkWord) #otherwise add it to the uniqueList

#create a blank freq table of same length as uniqueList
#technically this was created on line 5, but now you understand the context
#note the use of len(uniqueList) so both lists are the same length

#now iterate through each word in your uniqueList using range i
#checking for every word in the fullList which we will iterate using range j
for i in range(0,len(uniqueList)):
   for j in range(0,len(fulList)):
      if uniqueList[i]==fulList[j]:
         wordFreq[i] = wordFreq[i]+1 #increase the count for that item

#create a variable for most common word, this is the largest number in wordFreq
maxWord = max(wordFreq)

#iterate through wordFreq to find that value
for i in range(0,len(wordFreq)):
   if wordFreq[i]==maxWord:
      print(uniqueList[i]) #print that word from uniqueList
Answered By: CJC

My solution is simplier than above.

while True:
    poem=poem+' '+(input())  
    if poem.endswith('###'): break  


for i in listOFstring:  

from statistics import mode

List = []
while True:
   line = input()
   if  line == '###':
      List = List + line.lower().split()

Answered By: jenn
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