Django: remotely access a PythonAnywhere MySQL database


I have a Django app (Python 3.4, Django 1.7) on PythonAnywhere, along with a MySQL database.
The database is working fine on the deployed app.

However, I cannot get to connect it to the app on my local machine.

The following error is thrown when I run python runserver:

django.db.utils.InterfaceError: (2003, “2003: Can’t connect to MySQL server on ‘mysql.server:3306’ (8 nodename nor servname provided, or not known)”, None)

These are the attributes I use:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'mysql.connector.django',
        'NAME': '<username>$<database_name>',
        'USER': '<username>',
        'PASSWORD': '<databse_password>',
        'HOST': ''

I have also tried mysql.server and as HOST without any more luck.

Asked By: Arnaud Renaud



I think It’s not possible to connect directly to your mysqlserver instance from remote, for security reason, the port 3306 is blocked.
They suggest to connect through SSH Tunnel, follow this link.
I don’t know If you can do an ssh tunnelling within Django, You should probably write a custom configuration. It’s simpler to install an SSH Tunnel software on your PC and then connect your Django App to localhost on a port You have to choose.

Answered By: Filadelfo

As per PythonAnyWhere documentation :

  1. Open a terminal and run below command.

    ssh -L [email protected]

provide your PAW account login password

replace username with your username.

  1. Open another terminal and run below command.

    mysql -h –port 3333 -u username -p

provide your mysql password. Available in settings file.

keep terminal 1 open as long as you are working on terminal 2.

Accessing PythonAnyWhere MySQL from outside

Answered By: Anurag Rana

Only Paid account have permission to access remoteserver for mysql database

Answered By: Shikhar Solutions