Add column to dataframe with constant value


I have an existing dataframe which I need to add an additional column to which will contain the same value for every row.

Existing df:

Date, Open, High, Low, Close
01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450

New df:

Name, Date, Open, High, Low, Close
abc, 01-01-2015, 565, 600, 400, 450

I know how to append an existing series / dataframe column. But this is a different situation, because all I need is to add the ‘Name’ column and set every row to the same value, in this case ‘abc’.

Asked By: darkpool



df['Name']='abc' will add the new column and set all rows to that value:

In [79]:

         Date, Open, High,  Low,  Close
0  01-01-2015,  565,  600,  400,    450
In [80]:

df['Name'] = 'abc'
         Date, Open, High,  Low,  Close Name
0  01-01-2015,  565,  600,  400,    450  abc
Answered By: EdChum

Single liner works

df['Name'] = 'abc'

Creates a Name column and sets all rows to abc value

Answered By: Zero

You can use insert to specify where you want to new column to be. In this case, I use 0 to place the new column at the left.

df.insert(0, 'Name', 'abc')

  Name        Date  Open  High  Low  Close
0  abc  01-01-2015   565   600  400    450
Answered By: piRSquared

Summing up what the others have suggested, and adding a third way

You can:

where the argument loc ( 0 <= loc <= len(columns) ) allows you to insert the column where you want.

‘loc’ gives you the index that your column will be at after the insertion. For example, the code above inserts the column Name as the 0-th column, i.e. it will be inserted before the first column, becoming the new first column. (Indexing starts from 0).

All these methods allow you to add a new column from a Series as well (just substitute the ‘abc’ default argument above with the series).

Answered By: Michele Piccolini

One Line did the job for me.

df['New Column'] = 'Constant Value'
df['New Column'] = 123
Answered By: Zachary

You can Simply do the following:

df['New Col'] = pd.Series(["abc" for x in range(len(df.index))])
Answered By: Imam_AI

I want to draw more attention to a portion of @michele-piccolini’s answer.

I strongly believe that .assign is the best solution here. In the real world, these operations are not in isolation, but in a chain of operations. And if you want to support a chain of operations, you should probably use the .assign method.

Here is an example using snowfall data at a ski resort (but the same principles would apply to say … financial data).

This code reads like a recipe of steps. Both assignment (with =) and .insert make this much harder:

raw = pd.read_csv('',
def clean_alta(df):
    return (df
            .loc[:, ['STATION', 'NAME', 'LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE', 'ELEVATION', 'DATE', 
                     'PRCP', 'SNOW', 'SNWD', 'TMAX', 'TMIN', 'TOBS']]
            .groupby(pd.Grouper(key='DATE', freq='W'))
            .agg({'PRCP': 'sum', 'TMAX': 'max', 'TMIN': 'min', 'SNOW': 'sum', 'SNWD': 'mean'})
                    T_RANGE=lambda w_df: w_df.TMAX-w_df.TMIN)


Notice the line .assign(LOCATION='Alta', that creates a column with a single value in the middle of the rest of the operations.

Answered By: Matt Harrison

Ok, all, I have a similar situation here but if i take this code to use: df['Name']='abc'
instead ‘abc’ the name for the new column I want to take from somewhere else in the csv file. enter image description here

As you can see from the picture, df is not cleaned yet but I want to create 2 columns with the name "ADI dms rivoli" which will continue for every row, and the same for the "December 2019". Hope it is clear for you to understand, it was hard to explaine, sorry.

Answered By: Gorkem Tunc

This single line will work.

df[‘name’] = ‘abc’

The append method has been deprecated since Pandas 1.4.0

So instead use the above method only if using actual pandas DataFrame object:

df["column"] = "value"

Or, if setting value on a view of a copy of a DataFrame, use concat() or assign():

  • This way the new Series created has the same index as original DataFrame, and so will match on exact rows
# adds a new column in view `where_there_is_one` named 
# `client` with value `display_name`
# `df` remains unchanged
df = pd.DataFrame({"number": ([1]*5 + [0]*5 )})

where_there_is_one = df[ df["number"] == 1]
where_there_is_one = pd.concat([
join="inner", axis=1)

# Or use assign
where_there_is_one = where_there_is_one.assign(client = "display_name")


where_there_is_one:                df:
| 0   | number | client       |    | 0 | number |
| --- | ---    | ---          |    |---| -------|
| 0   | 1      | display_name |    | 0 | 1      |
| 1   | 1      | display_name |    | 1 | 1      |
| 2   | 1      | display_name |    | 2 | 1      |
| 3   | 1      | display_name |    | 3 | 1      |
| 4   | 1      | display_name |    | 4 | 1      |
                                   | 5 | 0      |
                                   | 6 | 0      |
                                   | 7 | 0      |
                                   | 8 | 0      |
                                   | 9 | 0      |
Answered By: Anurag Dhadse
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