How to print a rhomboid shape in Python?


How can I change this code that instead of printing the shape below, it prints it like a lozenge (rhomboid)?

def star (m):
    for i in range (m + 1):
        print ("*" * i)
    for i in range ( m + 1 ):
        print ("*" * (m - 1))
        m -= 1


Asked By: torabi



Is this what you wanted?

def star(m):
    for i in range(1, m + 1):
        print(("*" * i).center(m))
    for i in reversed(range(1, m)):
        print(("*" * i).center(m))



Answered By: Ella Sharakanski

I like the following a bit better because it’s more symmetrical:

def star(m):
    def star_line(n):
        print('{s:^{f:d}s}'.format(s='*'*n, f=m))

    for i in range(1,m,2):
    for i in range(m,0,-2):


This solution uses the nice feature of Python’s new(er) formatting syntax which enables you to specify the width of a field dynamically as well as the contents of the field: e.g. '{s:^{f:d}}'.format(s='*'*3, f=5) becomes '{s:^5s}'.format(s='***') which becomes ' *** '.

Answered By: xnx

A lozenge is equilateral, a rhomboid typically not. For illustration, I will do a rhomboid, but allow it to be equilateral.

To define a function, you should first specify the domain, in this case positive ints (or include 0 if you wish).

Functions should generally return an object that can be compared with the desired output for a given input. You can then write an automated test for example outputs. In this case, the function should produce an iterable of strings. The desired output can most easily be represented as a tuple or list of strings and the function output converted if necessary.

r43 = (
' ****',
'  ****',

def rhom(width, height):
    if not(isinstance(width, int) and width > 0 and
           isinstance(height, int) and height > 0):
        raise ValueError('width and height must be positive ints')
    stars = width * '*'
    for i in range(height):
        yield i * ' ' + stars

out43 = tuple(rhom(4, 3))
print(r43 == out43)
for line in out43:


Answered By: Terry Jan Reedy
def print_lozenge(num):
    str = '*'
    str_2 = str + (num - 1) * ' *'
    size = 2 * num - 1
    for n in range(num):
        print, ' ')
        str += ' *' 
    for n in range(num):
        str_2 = str_2[: -2]
        print, ' ')


   * *   
  * * *  
 * * * * 
* * * * *
 * * * * 
  * * *  
   * *   
Answered By: Lilia Khanuhov

I think This is what You’re looking for:

for i in range(lines+1):
if i<=middle:
    for j in range(0, (middle-i)):
        print(end=' ')
    for j in range(i):
        print('*',end=' ')
    for j in range(i+middle, lines+1, -1):
        print(end=' ')
    for j in range(i, lines+1):
        print('*', end=' ')
Answered By: Emilio sakr
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