Setting Background color to transparent in Plotly plots


My python code creates a plotly bar plot, but the background is white in color. I want to change it into transparent color. Is that doable?

My Code:

import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
py.sign_in('username', 'api_key')
data = Data([
    x=['Sivaranjani S', 'Vijayalakshmi C', 'Rajeshwari S', 'Shanthi Priscilla', 'Pandiyaraj G', 'Kamatchi S', 'MohanaPriya', 'Madhumitha G', 'Franklin Alphones Raj J', 'Akfaris Almaas', 'Biswajit Champati', 'Priya R', 'Rekha Rajasekaran', 'Sarath Kumar B', 'Jegan L', 'Karthick A', 'Mahalakshmi S', 'Ragunathan V', 'Anu S', 'Ramkumar KS', 'Uthra R'],
    y=[1640, 1394, 1390, 1313, 2166, 1521, 1078, 1543, 780, 1202, 1505, 2028, 2032, 1769, 1238, 1491, 1477, 1329, 2038, 1339, 1458],
    text=['Scuti', 'Scuti', 'Cygni', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scorpii', 'Pollux', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scorpii', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Cygni', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Pollux'])])
plot_url = py.plot(data)

The graph looks like this:

enter image description here

Asked By: The6thSense



You can use the a Layout to change its colours with the parameters bgcolour and opacity set to yours desires. You could do something like:

data = Data([Bar(... The same you already have...)])

layout = Layout(
    title='Your Title',
    (xaxis, yaxis, WHAT EVER YOU WANT TO SET)

    paper_bgcolor='rgb(233,233,233)', # set the background colour

fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout)

you can find some examples here

Answered By: Ricardo Burillo

For a fully transparent plot, make sure to specify both the paper bgcolor and the plot’s:

import plotly.plotly as py
from plotly.graph_objs import *
py.sign_in('', '')
data = Data([
        x=['Sivaranjani S', 'Vijayalakshmi C', 'Rajeshwari S', 'Shanthi Priscilla', 'Pandiyaraj G', 'Kamatchi S', 'MohanaPriya', 'Madhumitha G', 'Franklin Alphones Raj J', 'Akfaris Almaas', 'Biswajit Champati', 'Priya R', 'Rekha Rajasekaran', 'Sarath Kumar B', 'Jegan L', 'Karthick A', 'Mahalakshmi S', 'Ragunathan V', 'Anu S', 'Ramkumar KS', 'Uthra R'],
        y=[1640, 1394, 1390, 1313, 2166, 1521, 1078, 1543, 780, 1202, 1505, 2028, 2032, 1769, 1238, 1491, 1477, 1329, 2038, 1339, 1458],
        text=['Scuti', 'Scuti', 'Cygni', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scorpii', 'Pollux', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scorpii', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Cygni', 'Scorpii', 'Scuti', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Scuti', 'Pollux', 'Pollux']

layout = Layout(

fig = Figure(data=data, layout=layout)

plot_url = py.plot(fig, filename='transparent-background')
Answered By: etpinard

The simplest way to apply the transparent settings to an existing Plotly figure is to:

        "paper_bgcolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
        "plot_bgcolor": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",
Answered By: DougR