pandas dataframe drop columns by number of nan


I have a dataframe with some columns containing nan. I’d like to drop those columns with certain number of nan. For example, in the following code, I’d like to drop any column with 2 or more nan. In this case, column ‘C’ will be dropped and only ‘A’ and ‘B’ will be kept. How can I implement it?

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

dff = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,3), columns=list('ABC'))
dff.iloc[3,0] = np.nan
dff.iloc[6,1] = np.nan
dff.iloc[5:8,2] = np.nan

print dff
Asked By: pyan



Here is a possible solution:

s = dff.isnull().apply(sum, axis=0) # count the number of nan in each column
print s
   A    1 
   B    1
   C    3
   dtype: int64

for col in dff: 
   if s[col] >= 2:  
       del dff[col]


for c in dff:
    if sum(dff[c].isnull()) >= 2:
        dff.drop(c, axis=1, inplace=True)
Answered By: stellasia

You can use a conditional list comprehension:

>>> dff[[c for c in dff if dff[c].isnull().sum() < 2]]
          A         B
0 -0.819004  0.919190
1  0.922164  0.088111
2  0.188150  0.847099
3       NaN -0.053563
4  1.327250 -0.376076
5  3.724980  0.292757
6 -0.319342       NaN
7 -1.051529  0.389843
8 -0.805542 -0.018347
9 -0.816261 -1.627026
Answered By: Alexander

There is a thresh param for dropna, you just need to pass the length of your df – the number of NaN values you want as your threshold:

In [13]:

dff.dropna(thresh=len(dff) - 2, axis=1)
          A         B
0  0.517199 -0.806304
1 -0.643074  0.229602
2  0.656728  0.535155
3       NaN -0.162345
4 -0.309663 -0.783539
5  1.244725 -0.274514
6 -0.254232       NaN
7 -1.242430  0.228660
8 -0.311874 -0.448886
9 -0.984453 -0.755416

So the above will drop any column that does not meet the criteria of the length of the df (number of rows) – 2 as the number of non-Na values.

Answered By: EdChum

I recommend the drop-method. This is an alternative solution:

dff.drop(dff.loc[:,len(dff) - dff.isnull().sum() <2], axis=1)
Answered By: NAGARAJ

Say you have to drop columns having more than 70% null values.

data.drop(data.loc[:,list((100*(data.isnull().sum()/len(data.index))>70))].columns, 1)
Answered By: Ashish

You can do this through another approach as well like below for dropping columns having certain number of na values:

df = df.drop( columns= [x for x in df if df[x].isna().sum() > 5 ])

For dropping columns having certain percentage of na values :

df = df.drop(columns= [x for x in df if round((df[x].isna().sum()/len(df)*100),2) > 20 ]) 
Answered By: Imam_AI
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