python bottle always logs to console, no logging to file


In a python project with multiple threads my logging works well to write to a logger file. Basically based on Logging, StreamHandler and standard streams

Part of my project is a bottle web server which runs well also. But every bottle call writes a log to the console like this: - - [26/Jun/2015 20:22:17] "GET /edit?addJob HTTP/1.1" 200 48028

How to handle this the same way as with the other code, so the bottle logs go also to the logger file?

Asked By: gNeandr



You running builtin server right ? Then you can make a simple plugin :

from bottle import request, response, route, install, run
from datetime import datetime

def logger(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        log = open('log.txt', 'a')
        log.write('%s %s %s %s %s n' % (request.remote_addr,'%H:%M'),
                                         request.method, request.url, response.status))
        req = func(*args, **kwargs)
        return req
    return wrapper


def index():
    return 'Hello, World'


Or try this one

Answered By: ayb

If you’re rolling your own solution, you should write a simple Bottle plugin that emits log lines to a logging logger. Here’s an example that sets up a basic logger, defines the logging plugin, and creates a Bottle app with that plugin installed on all routes.

from bottle import Bottle, request, response
from datetime import datetime
from functools import wraps
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('myapp')

# set up the logger
file_handler = logging.FileHandler('myapp.log')
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(msg)s')

def log_to_logger(fn):
    Wrap a Bottle request so that a log line is emitted after it's handled.
    (This decorator can be extended to take the desired logger as a param.)
    def _log_to_logger(*args, **kwargs):
        request_time =
        actual_response = fn(*args, **kwargs)
        # modify this to log exactly what you need:'%s %s %s %s %s' % (request.remote_addr,
        return actual_response
    return _log_to_logger

app = Bottle()

def home():
    return ['hello, world']'', port='8080', quiet=True)

Running that code yields what you want:

% python &
% curl -v http://localhost:8080/
% tail myapp.log 2015-06-27 16:57:09.983249 GET http://localhost:8080/ 200 OK
Answered By: ron rothman

I’m trying to use Ron’s solution with starting the bottle program on a thread:

tWeb = Thread(target=runWeb, args=('', 5003)).start()


def runWeb(aserver, aport):
    run(host=aserver, port=aport, debug=True)

but that fails. Any ‘print’ goes to the file, but not the ‘yield’ (see above), it goes to the console.

Also changing “debug=True” to “quiet=True” only changes to: there is no output on the console at all.

Answered By: gNeandr

Ron’s solution logs only requests which were handled by the routes. If you want to log everything, including 404 file not found, you should consider a simple WSGI middleware like wsgi-request-logger.


import bottle
from bottle import route
from requestlogger import WSGILogger, ApacheFormatter
import waitress
import logging
import sys

def hello():
    return 'Hello World'

    bottle.default_app(), [logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)],
    ApacheFormatter(), propagate=False

The output looks the following way: - - [09/Mar/2023:09:39:10 +0200] "GET /hello HTTP/1.1" 200 11 "" "curl/7.68.0" 0/228 - - [09/Mar/2023:09:39:14 +0200] "GET /zzz HTTP/1.1" 404 731 "" "curl/7.68.0" 0/9617

If you want to log to a file, you can add another logging handler in the list or replace the existing one completely. Here is an example of a handler which logs to a file in a fashion similar to the Apache access logs:


import waitress
import bottle
from bottle import route
from requestlogger import WSGILogger, ApacheFormatter
import logging
import sys
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler

def hello():
    return 'Hello World'

logging_handlers = [
    TimedRotatingFileHandler('access.log', 'd', 7)

    bottle.default_app(), logging_handlers,
    ApacheFormatter(), propagate=False

I don’t know what’s the performance impact of the middleware.

Answered By: famzah
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