Selenium file upload url "path is not absolute"


I’m trying to upload a file to a facebook group with selenium chromedriver.


But It throws an Exception Like this:

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: unknown error:
path is not absolute:

I’m on Windows 10, Chrome 44.0.2403.130, ChromeDriver 2.16.333243, selenium 2.47.1

So how I can upload images from urls ? (without having to explicitly download it)

Asked By: Jeflopo



Nope, this way you can only upload files from a local machine:


Download the image first, then upload. For instance:

With urllib

import os
import urllib

base_dir = "/Path/to/dir/"
path_to_image = os.path.join(base_dir, "upload.jpg")

urllib.urlretrieve("", path_to_image)


With requests

import os
import requests

base_dir = "/Path/to/dir/"
path_to_image = os.path.join(base_dir, "upload.jpg")

response = requests.get("")

if response.status_code == 200:
    f = open(base_dir + path_to_image, 'wb')
Answered By: alecxe

Use the full path like "C:\Users\Casper\Desktop\hello.jpg" instead of "hello.jpg".

Answered By: Cahit Dönmez

I had same issue while working with C#. Resolved it by copying file into a folder in project, then right click the file and click properties – then change option for copy to output directory to copy always. then you can do this in your steps:

var filepath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "foldernamefilename");

Answered By: Sudhir Goli