How to improve OpenCV and python VideoWriter resolution?


I have a script which uses OpenCV and python and creates a video ( avi format ) from a set of png images.

The resolution of these images is good.

The problem is that the resolution of the resulting video is very low.

How can I improve the resolution?

Is the low resolution related to the images format?


writer  = cv2.VideoWriter( "C:Users.../demo3_4.avi", -1, 1, ( width, height ) )
nFrames = 24

for i in range( 1, nFrames ):
    img   = cv2.imread( os.path.join( str( inf ), "colorraster%d.jpg"%i ) )
    writer.write( img )

Asked By: Bárbara Duarte



According to the documentation, cv2.VideoWriter has fourcc parameter which specifies the codec, used to compress the frames. You are now specifying ‘-1’ which means some default codec. I would suggest experimenting with different codecs from that list and see what gives the best result.

Update: To translate the codec into an int, the docs recommend this: CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1') if you wanted to try codec PIM1.

Answered By: Ashalynd

How to improve resolution?

Generate the output stream with a reasonable pixel-size frameSize and do not devastate the information quality ( you have stated above to have in the inputs ( in static pixmaps ) ) with a “cummulative product” of low FPS frames-per-second rate and too-lossy CODEC ( CV_FOURCC ).


>>> print cv2.VideoWriter.__doc__
VideoWriter( [ filename,
               fourcc,           # <--------- ref. below
               fps,              #            1 fps
               frameSize[,       #            73 * 59 px
               isColor  ]
              ) -> <VideoWriter object>

>>> print
CV_FOURCC(c1, c2, c3, c4) -> int

>>> *"XVID" )    1145656920
>>> *"MJPG" )    1196444237
>>> *"X264" )     875967064
>>> *"DIB " )     541215044
>>> *"WMV1" )     827739479
>>> *"WMV2" )     844516695

Further readings:

FourCC is a 4-byte code used to specify the video codec.
The list of available codes can be found in
It is platform dependent.
Following codecs work fine:
In Fedora: DIVX, XVID, MJPG, X264, WMV1, WMV2. ( XVID is more preferable. MJPG results in high size video. X264 gives very small size video )
In Windows: DIVX ( more to be tested and added )

FourCC code is passed as cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M','J','P','G')
or cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MJPG) for MJPG.

"""                                                                 # >>>
fourcc  =  *"DIB " )
video   = cv2.VideoWriter( 'ATC_LKPR_output.avi', fourcc, 30, size ) # fps = 30, size = ( 1024, 512 )
Answered By: user3666197

open cv screen recorded video is low quality when you play these files using unsupported codec player .
i was getting low quality video while i was playing on windows media player and after lot of analysis when i tried on VLC media Player .boom video quality is superb.
so just change media player to try if video is still poor quality.

Answered By: Rupsx
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