PIL: Generating Vertical Gradient Image


In Android, I used the following code to generate a gradient background that I need:

    android_type="linear" />

The background goes from light to relatively dark from top to bottom. I wonder how to do the same in Python with PIL, since I need the same effect on another program written in Python.

Asked By: J Freebird



Here is the technique spelled out. You need 2 layers on top of each other, one for each color. Then you make the transparency for each increasing for the top layer and decreasing for the bottom layer. For extra homework you can change the rate of transparency to an ascending logarithmic scale rather than linear. Have fun with it.

Answered By: Back2Basics

Here’s something that shows ways to draw multicolor rectangular horizontal and vertical gradients.

rom PIL import Image, ImageDraw

BLACK, DARKGRAY, GRAY = ((0,0,0), (63,63,63), (127,127,127))
LIGHTGRAY, WHITE = ((191,191,191), (255,255,255))
BLUE, GREEN, RED = ((0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0))

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x, self.y = x, y

class Rect(object):
    def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        minx, maxx = (x1,x2) if x1 < x2 else (x2,x1)
        miny, maxy = (y1,y2) if y1 < y2 else (y2,y1)
        self.min = Point(minx, miny)
        self.max = Point(maxx, maxy)

    width  = property(lambda self: self.max.x - self.min.x)
    height = property(lambda self: self.max.y - self.min.y)

def gradient_color(minval, maxval, val, color_palette):
    """ Computes intermediate RGB color of a value in the range of minval
        to maxval (inclusive) based on a color_palette representing the range.
    max_index = len(color_palette)-1
    delta = maxval - minval
    if delta == 0:
        delta = 1
    v = float(val-minval) / delta * max_index
    i1, i2 = int(v), min(int(v)+1, max_index)
    (r1, g1, b1), (r2, g2, b2) = color_palette[i1], color_palette[i2]
    f = v - i1
    return int(r1 + f*(r2-r1)), int(g1 + f*(g2-g1)), int(b1 + f*(b2-b1))

def horz_gradient(draw, rect, color_func, color_palette):
    minval, maxval = 1, len(color_palette)
    delta = maxval - minval
    width = float(rect.width)  # Cache.
    for x in range(rect.min.x, rect.max.x+1):
        f = (x - rect.min.x) / width
        val = minval + f * delta
        color = color_func(minval, maxval, val, color_palette)
        draw.line([(x, rect.min.y), (x, rect.max.y)], fill=color)

def vert_gradient(draw, rect, color_func, color_palette):
    minval, maxval = 1, len(color_palette)
    delta = maxval - minval
    height = float(rect.height)  # Cache.
    for y in range(rect.min.y, rect.max.y+1):
        f = (y - rect.min.y) / height
        val = minval + f * delta
        color = color_func(minval, maxval, val, color_palette)
        draw.line([(rect.min.x, y), (rect.max.x, y)], fill=color)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Draw a three color vertical gradient.
    color_palette = [BLUE, GREEN, RED]
    region = Rect(0, 0, 730, 350)
    width, height = region.max.x+1, region.max.y+1
    image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height), WHITE)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
    vert_gradient(draw, region, gradient_color, color_palette)
    #image.save("vert_gradient.png", "PNG")
    #print('image saved')

And here’s the image it generates and displays:

screenshot of gradient image created

This calculates the intermediate colors in the RGB color space, but other colorspaces could be used — for examples compare results of my answers to the question Range values to pseudocolor.

This could easily be extended to generate RGBA (RGB+Alpha) mode images.

Answered By: martineau

If you only need two colours, this can be done very simply:

def generate_gradient(
        colour1: str, colour2: str, width: int, height: int) -> Image:
    """Generate a vertical gradient."""
    base = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colour1)
    top = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colour2)
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height))
    mask_data = []
    for y in range(height):
        mask_data.extend([int(255 * (y / height))] * width)
    base.paste(top, (0, 0), mask)
    return base

This creates a layer in each colour, then creates a mask with transparency varying according to the y position. You can replace y / height in line 10 with x / width for a horizontal gradient, or any function of x and y for another gradient.

Answered By: Artemis

Making some modifications to @martineau’s code, this function handles gradient orientation in degrees (not only vertical or horizontal):

from PIL import Image
import math

BLACK, DARKGRAY, GRAY = ((0,0,0), (63,63,63), (127,127,127))
LIGHTGRAY, WHITE = ((191,191,191), (255,255,255))
BLUE, GREEN, RED = ((0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0), (255, 0, 0))

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x, self.y = x, y

    def rot_x(self, degrees):
        radians = math.radians(degrees)
        return self.x * math.cos(radians) + self.y * math.sin(radians)

class Rect(object):
    def __init__(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
        minx, maxx = (x1,x2) if x1 < x2 else (x2,x1)
        miny, maxy = (y1,y2) if y1 < y2 else (y2,y1)
        self.min = Point(minx, miny)
        self.max = Point(maxx, maxy)

    def min_max_rot_x(self, degrees):
        first = True
        for x in [self.min.x, self.max.x]:
            for y in [self.min.y, self.max.y]:
                p = Point(x, y)
                rot_d = p.rot_x(degrees)
                if first:
                    min_d = rot_d
                    max_d = rot_d
                    min_d = min(min_d, rot_d)
                    max_d = max(max_d, rot_d)
                first = False
        return min_d, max_d

    width  = property(lambda self: self.max.x - self.min.x)
    height = property(lambda self: self.max.y - self.min.y)

def gradient_color(minval, maxval, val, color_palette):
    """ Computes intermediate RGB color of a value in the range of minval
        to maxval (inclusive) based on a color_palette representing the range.
    max_index = len(color_palette)-1
    delta = maxval - minval
    if delta == 0:
        delta = 1
    v = float(val-minval) / delta * max_index
    i1, i2 = int(v), min(int(v)+1, max_index)
    (r1, g1, b1), (r2, g2, b2) = color_palette[i1], color_palette[i2]
    f = v - i1
    return int(r1 + f*(r2-r1)), int(g1 + f*(g2-g1)), int(b1 + f*(b2-b1))

def degrees_gradient(im, rect, color_func, color_palette, degrees):
    minval, maxval = 1, len(color_palette)
    delta = maxval - minval
    min_d, max_d = rect.min_max_rot_x(degrees)
    range_d = max_d - min_d
    for x in range(rect.min.x, rect.max.x + 1):
        for y in range(rect.min.y, rect.max.y+1):
            p = Point(x, y)
            f = (p.rot_x(degrees) - min_d) / range_d
            val = minval + f * delta
            color = color_func(minval, maxval, val, color_palette)
            im.putpixel((x, y), color)

def gradient_image(color_palette, degrees):
    region = Rect(0, 0, 600, 400)
    width, height = region.max.x+1, region.max.y+1
    image = Image.new("RGB", (width, height), WHITE)
    degrees_gradient(image, region, gradient_color, color_palette, -degrees)
    return image

This flexibility comes at the cost of having to set colors pixel by pixel instead of using lines.

Answered By: Pablo Guerrero

Based on Artemis’s code here is the one for top-right corner to botom-left corner gradient.

def generate_gradient(
        colour1: str, colour2: str, width: int, height: int) -> Image:
    """Generate a vertical gradient."""
    base = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colour1)
    top = Image.new('RGB', (width, height), colour2)
    mask = Image.new('L', (width, height))
    mask_data = []
    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            mask_data.append(int(255 * ( (x*(height-y)) / (width*height) )))
    base.paste(top, (0, 0), mask)
    return base
Answered By: Mahbub Murshed