Python: enclose each word of a space separated string in quotes


I have a string eg:

line = "a sentence with a few words"

I want to convert the above in a string with each of the words in double quotes, eg:

'"a" "sentence" "with" "a" "few" "words"'

Any suggestions?

Asked By: Ketan Maheshwari



Split the line into words, wrap each word in quotes, then re-join:

' '.join('"{}"'.format(word) for word in line.split(' '))
Answered By: Daniel Roseman

Since you say:

I want to convert the above in a string with each of the words in double quotes

You can use the following regex:

>>> line="a sentence with a few words"
>>> import re
>>> re.sub(r'(w+)',r'"1"',line)
'"a" "sentence" "with" "a" "few" "words"'

This would take into consideration punctuations, etc, as well (if that is really what you wanted):

>>> line="a sentence with a few words. And, lots of punctuations!"
>>> re.sub(r'(w+)',r'"1"',line)
'"a" "sentence" "with" "a" "few" "words". "And", "lots" "of" "punctuations"!'
Answered By: Anand S Kumar

Or you can something simpler (more implementation but easier for beginners) by searching for each space in the quote then slice whatever between the spaces, add ” before and after it then print it.

quote = "they stumble who run fast"
first_space = 0
last_space = quote.find(" ")
while last_space != -1:
    print(""" + quote[first_space:last_space] + """)
    first_space = last_space + 1
    last_space = quote.find(" ",last_space + 1)

Above code will output for you the following:

Answered By: user4568737

The first answer missed an instance of the original quote. The last string/word “fast” was not printed.
This solution will print the last string:

quote = "they stumble who run fast"

start = 0
location = quote.find(" ")

while location >=0:
    index_word = quote[start:location]

    start = location + 1
    location = quote.find(" ", location + 1)

#this runs outside the While Loop, will print the final word
index_word = quote[start:]

This is the result:

Answered By: Conor
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