How do you alias a type in Python?


In some (mostly functional) languages you can do something like this:

type row = list(datum)


type row = [datum]

So that we can build things like this:

type row = [datum]
type table = [row]
type database = [table]

Is there a way to do this in Python? You could do it using classes, but Python has quite some functional aspects so I was wondering if it could be done an easier way.

Asked By: Lara



Since Python 3.5 you may use typing module.

Quoting docs,
A type alias is defined by assigning the type to the alias:

Vector = List[float]

To learn more about enforcing types in Python you may want to get familiar with PEPs: PEP483 and PEP484.

Python historically was using duck-typing instead of strong typing and hadn’t built-in way of declaring types before 3.5 release.

Answered By: Ɓukasz Rogalski

The accepted answer from @Lukasz is what we would need for most of the time. But for cases where you need the alias to be a distinct type on its own, you might need to use typing.NewType as documented here:

from typing import List, NewType

Vector = NewType("Vector", List[float])

One particular use case is if you are using the injector library and you need to inject the aliased new type rather than the original type.

from typing import NewType

from injector import inject, Injector, Module, provider

AliasRawType = str
AliasNewType = NewType("AliasNewType", str)

class MyModule(Module):
    def provide_raw_type(self) -> str:
        return "This is the raw type"

    def provide_alias_raw_type(self) -> AliasRawType:
        return AliasRawType("This is the AliasRawType")

    def provide_alias_new_type(self) -> AliasNewType:
        return AliasNewType("This is the AliasNewType")

class Test1:
    def __init__(self, raw_type: str):  # Would be injected with MyModule.provide_raw_type() which is str. Expected. = raw_type

class Test2:
    def __init__(self, alias_raw_type: AliasRawType):  # Would be injected with MyModule.provide_raw_type() which is str and not MyModule.provide_alias_raw_type() which is just a direct alias to str. Unexpected. = alias_raw_type

class Test3:
    def __init__(self, alias_new_type: AliasNewType): # Would be injected with MyModule.provide_alias_new_type() which is a distinct alias to str. Expected. = alias_new_type

injector = Injector([MyModule()])
print(injector.get(Test1).data, "-> Test1 injected with str")
print(injector.get(Test2).data, "-> Test2 injected with AliasRawType")
print(injector.get(Test3).data, "-> Test3 injected with AliasNewType")


This is the raw type -> Test1 injected with str
This is the raw type -> Test2 injected with AliasRawType
This is the AliasNewType -> Test3 injected with AliasNewType

Thus to correctly inject the proper provider when using the injector library, you would need the NewType aliasing.

Since Python 3.10, the TypeAlias annotation is available in the typing module.

It is used to explicitly indicate that the assignment is done to generate a type alias. For example:

Point: TypeAlias = tuple[float, float]
Triangle: TypeAlias = tuple[Point, Point, Point]

You can read more about the TypeAlias annotation on the PEP 613 that introduced it.

Answered By: Jundiaius