Unable to install logging module (Python)


I’m trying to install the logging module for Python 3.4. I’m using pip3 install logging. Both times I run into a SyntaxError at line 618 of the __init__ method: "raise NotImplementedError, 'emit must be implemented '".

Someone posted the same question as me, and solved their problem by deleting an interfering third party library called logging: Logging module not working with Python3.

But I have no such library already installed in my site-packages directory.

Asked By: sjplural



logging is part of the Python standard library, and has been since version 2.3. It’s available as soon as you install Python. You don’t need to pip install anything…

Answered By: MattDMo

You don’t need to install the logging module separately.

logging is a standard Python module, and it comes with the Python installation.

You just need to use import logging in your python code.

Answered By: R Chandu