Python context manager that measures time


I am struggling to make a piece of code that allows to measure time spent within a “with” statement and assigns the time measured (a float) to the variable provided in the “with” statement.

import time

class catchtime:
    def __enter__(self):
        self.t = time.clock()
        return 1

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        return time.clock() - self.t

with catchtime() as t:

This code leaves t=1 and not the difference between clock() calls. How to approach this problem? I need a way to assign a new value from within the exit method.

PEP 343 describes in more detail how contect manager works but I do not understand most of it.

Asked By: ArekBulski



Solved (almost). Resulting variable is coercible and convertible to a float (but not a float itself).

class catchtime:
    def __enter__(self):
        self.t = time.clock()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self.e = time.clock()

    def __float__(self):
        return float(self.e - self.t)

    def __coerce__(self, other):
        return (float(self), other)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(float(self))

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(float(self))

with catchtime() as t:

print t
print repr(t)
print float(t)
print 0+t
print 1*t

Answered By: ArekBulski

You can’t get that to assign your timing to t. As described in the PEP, the variable you specify in the as clause (if any) gets assigned the result of calling __enter__, not __exit__. In other words, t is only assigned at the start of the with block, not at the end.

What you could do is change your __exit__ so that instead of returning the value, it does self.t = time.clock() - self.t. Then, after the with block finishes, the t attribute of the context manager will hold the elapsed time.

To make that work, you also want to return self instead of 1 from __enter__. Not sure what you were trying to achieve by using 1.

So it looks like this:

class catchtime(object):
    def __enter__(self):
        self.t = time.clock()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self.t = time.clock() - self.t

with catchtime() as t:


And a value pretty close to 1 is printed.

Answered By: BrenBarn

Here is an example of using contextmanager

from time import perf_counter
from contextlib import contextmanager

def catchtime() -> float:
    start = perf_counter()
    yield lambda: perf_counter() - start

with catchtime() as t:
    import time

print(f"Execution time: {t():.4f} secs")


Execution time: 1.0014 secs

Answered By: Vlad Bezden

The top-rated answer can give the incorrect time

As noted by @Mercury, the top answer by @Vlad Bezden, while slick, is technically incorrect since the value yielded by t() is also potentially affected by code executed outside of the with statement. For example, if you run time.sleep(5) after the with statement but before the print statement, then calling t() in the print statement will give you ~6 sec, not ~1 sec.

In some cases, this can be avoided by inserting the print command inside the context manager as below:

from time import perf_counter
from contextlib import contextmanager

def catchtime() -> float:
    start = perf_counter()
    yield lambda: perf_counter() - start
    print(f'Time: {perf_counter() - start:.3f} seconds')

However, even with this modification, notice how running sleep(5) later on causes the incorrect time to be printed:

from time import sleep

with catchtime() as t:

# >>> "Time: 1.000 seconds"

print(f'Time: {t():.3f} seconds')

# >>> "Time: 6.000 seconds"

Solution #1: A fix for the above approach

This solution cumulatively nets the difference between two timer objects, t1 and t2. The catchtime function can be distilled down into 3 lines of code. Note that perf_counter has been renamed to press_button to help with visualization.

  1. Initialize t1 and t2 simultaneously. Later t2 will be reassigned to preserve the tick count after the yield statement. For this step, imagine simultaneously pressing the on/off button for timer1 and timer2.
  2. Measure the difference between timer2 and timer1. Initially, this will be 0 on pass #1, but in subsequent runs, it will be the absolute difference between the tick count in t1 and t2.
  3. This final step is equivalent to pressing the on/off button for timer2 again. This puts the two timers out of sync, making the difference measurement in the step before meaningful from pass #2 onwards.
from time import perf_counter as press_button
from time import sleep

def catchtime() -> float:
    t1 = t2 = press_button() 
    yield lambda: t2 - t1
    t2 = press_button() 

with catchtime() as t:

print(f'Time: {t():.3f} seconds')

# >>> Time: 1.000 seconds

Solution #2: An alternative, more flexible approach

This code is similar to the excellent answer given by @BrenBarn, except that it:

  1. Automatically prints the executed time as a formatted string (remove this by deleting the final print(self.readout))
  2. Saves the formatted string for later use (self.readout)
  3. Saves the float result for later use (self.time)
from time import perf_counter

class catchtime:
    def __enter__(self):
        self.time = perf_counter()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        self.time = perf_counter() - self.time
        self.readout = f'Time: {self.time:.3f} seconds'

Notice how the intermediate sleep(5) commands no longer affect the printed time.

from time import sleep

with catchtime() as t:

# >>> "Time: 1.000 seconds"


# >>> 1.000283900000009


# >>> "Time: 1.000 seconds"
Answered By: Justin Dehorty

The issue in top rated answer could be also fixed as below:

def catchtime() -> float:
    start = perf_counter()
    end = start
    yield lambda: end - start
    end = perf_counter()
Answered By: Vitaly Sedelnik

You could do it in this way below:

import time

class Exectime:

    def __enter__(self):
        self.time = time.time()
        return self
    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        self.time = time.time() - self.time

with Exectime() as ext:
    <your code here in with statement>

print('execution time is:' +str(ext.time))

It will calculate time spent to process codes within ‘with’ statement.

Answered By: pouya

I like this approach, which is simple to use and allows a contextual message:

from time import perf_counter
from contextlib import ContextDecorator

class cmtimer(ContextDecorator):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

    def __enter__(self):
        self.time = perf_counter()
        return self

    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
        elapsed = perf_counter() - self.time
        print(f'{self.msg} took {elapsed:.3f} seconds')

Use it this way:

with cmtimer('Loading JSON'):
    with open('data.json') as f:
        results = json.load(f)


Loading JSON took 1.577 seconds
Answered By: Greg

With this implementtion you can get time during the process and any time after

from contextlib import contextmanager
from time import perf_counter

def catchtime(task_name='It', verbose=True):
    class timer:
        def __init__(self):
            self._t1 = None
            self._t2 = None

        def start(self):
            self._t1 = perf_counter()
            self._t2 = None

        def stop(self):
            self._t2 = perf_counter()

        def time(self):
            return (self._t2 or perf_counter()) - self._t1

    t = timer()
        yield t
        if verbose:
            print(f'{task_name} took {t.time :.3f} seconds')

Usage examples:

from time import sleep


# 1. will print result
with catchtime('First task'):


# 2. will print result (without task name) and save result to t object
with catchtime() as t:

t.time  # operation time is saved here


# 3. will not print anyhting but will save result to t object
with catchtime() as t:

t.time  # operation time is saved here
Answered By: nik
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