The "next" parameter, redirect, django.contrib.auth.login


I’m trying to redirect users to custom url "/gallery/(username)/" after successfully logging in. It currently redirects to the default "/account/profile/" url While I know what I can override the redirect url in my, my url is dynamic thus it will not work.

Documentation states that I need to use the "next" parameter and context processors. I have the {{next}} in my template, but I’m confused on how to actually pass the "/gallery/(username)". Any help would be greatly appreciated.

p.s: I’m trying to steer away from writing my own login view.

Asked By: django-d



create your own view for logging in, with it’s own url, don’t use the admin’s one.
you can store the next page in the session, or pass it as a GET parameter to the login view
(i.e. /login?next=gallery) just don’t forget to sanitize and validate that value before redirecting to it.

Answered By: ozk

If you already have the custom template for login form you need to add the following inside your <form> tag:

<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{next}}" />

BTW, you don’t have to create your own login view. django.contrib.auth.views.login works fine. You only need to create a template for it (registration/login.html)

Answered By: Andrey Fedoseev

You can use a static redirect to /loggedin/ and then associate the url to a view that makes the correct redirect.

Login takes an extra step but if you want to use django’s view it does the job.

Answered By: naw

I confess I usually use 2 redirects in order to get something like this to work.

First, Make your own registration/login.html page. You can copy-and-paste the html example in this section of the authentication docs to make the process a little easier. Instead of using the dynamic '{{ next }} variable from the context, however, hardwire the value of next to go to a generic landing view of logged-in users

<input type="submit" value="login" />
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="/gallery/" />

Then, in the view that you map to the /gallery/ URL, extract the User object from the request (since the user will now be logged in, especially if the gallery view is wrapped in a @permission_required or @login_required decorator. Use that view to redirect to the appropriate user-specific gallery page:

def gallery(request):
    url = '/gallery/%s/' % request.user.username
    return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
Answered By: Jarret Hardie

Django’s login view django.contrib.auth.views.login accepts a dictionary named extra_context. The values in the dictionary are directly passed to the template. So you can use that to set the next parameter. Once that is done, you can set a hidden field with name next and value {{ next }} so that it gets rendered in the template.

Answered By: Guruprasad

being an newbie to django and stumbling over this somewhat older thread i found a differing solution for the problem of dynamically (=override a custom default only if needed) setting the next-param that i’d like to share (working fine with django 1.5, earlier versions untested):

just as django-d i wanted avoid repetition and a custom login-view, so i used the stock django.contrib.auth.views.login-view by adding the line of

url(r'^login/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.login', {'template_name': 'myapp/login.html',}, name='login'),

to my and within the login.html-templates form-element:

{% if not next or not next.strip %}
  {# avoid django.contrib.auth.views.login s default of /account/profile/ #}
  {% url 'afterlogindefaultview' as next %}
{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{ next }}" />

which to my understanding follows the decoupling-practice of the url-configurations from the views.
so for views that should redirect to my apps login and afterwards head to a non-default view
i use

return HttpResponseRedirect('%s?next=%s' % (reverse('login'), reverse('mycustomnext')) )

from the view where i want to have the user to log in. i use this to get back to the view where i left off for logging the user in.

Answered By: antiplex
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