Count number of "True" values in boolean Tensor


I understand that tf.where will return the locations of True values, so that I could use the result’s shape[0] to get the number of Trues.

However, when I try and use this, the dimension is unknown (which makes sense as it needs to be computed at runtime). So my question is, how can I access a dimension and use it in an operation like a sum?

For example:

myOtherTensor = tf.constant([[True, True], [False, True]])
myTensor = tf.where(myOtherTensor)
myTensor.get_shape() #=> [None, 2]
sum = 0
sum += myTensor.get_shape().as_list()[0] # Well defined at runtime but considered None until then.
Asked By: Aidan Gomez



You can cast the values to floats and compute the sum on them:
tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(myOtherTensor, tf.float32))

Depending on your actual use case you can also compute sums per row/column if you specify the reduce dimensions of the call.

Rafal’s answer is almost certainly the simplest way to count the number of true elements in your tensor, but the other part of your question asked:

[H]ow can I access a dimension and use it in an operation like a sum?

To do this, you can use TensorFlow’s shape-related operations, which act on the runtime value of the tensor. For example, tf.size(t) produces a scalar Tensor containing the number of elements in t, and tf.shape(t) produces a 1D Tensor containing the size of t in each dimension.

Using these operators, your program could also be written as:

myOtherTensor = tf.constant([[True, True], [False, True]])
myTensor = tf.where(myOtherTensor)
countTrue = tf.shape(myTensor)[0]  # Size of `myTensor` in the 0th dimension.

sess = tf.Session()
sum =
Answered By: mrry

There is a tensorflow function to count non-zero values tf.count_nonzero. The function also accepts an axis and keep_dims arguments.

Here is a simple example:

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
a = tf.constant(np.random.random(100))
with tf.Session() as sess:
    print(, 0.5))))
Answered By: aboettcher

I think this is the easiest way to do it:

In [38]: myOtherTensor = tf.constant([[True, True], [False, True]])

In [39]: if_true = tf.count_nonzero(myOtherTensor)

In [40]:
Out[40]: 3
Answered By: Lerner Zhang
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