Python – index out of range error


This is my most recent code:

highest = {}
def reader():
    myfile = open("scores.txt","r")
    pre = myfile.readlines()


    for line in pre :
       x = line.split(",")

       a = x[0]

       b = x[1]

       c = len(b)-1
       b = b[0:c]

       highest[a] = b

And this is the Traceback error message in full:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "C:/Python34/my boto snaky/", line 568, in gameLoop
        File "C:/Python34/my boto snaky/", line 531, in reader
        b = x[1]
        IndexError: list index out of range
Asked By: Anihs Emma



Some of your lines in scores.txt don’t have a comma. You can check for those :

if len(x) == 1 : #there is no comma
    continue #ignore line and go to the next one

This code would ignore the lines without a comma. Place it just after computing x = line.split(‘,’) .

Same if you just want to skip empty lines :

if line.strip() == '': #remove whitespace then check if line is empty
Answered By: Sildar
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