What is the proper way to determine if an object is a bytes-like object in Python?


I have code that expects str but will handle the case of being passed bytes in the following way:

if isinstance(data, bytes):
    data = data.decode()

Unfortunately, this does not work in the case of bytearray. Is there a more generic way to test whether an object is either bytes or bytearray, or should I just check for both? Is hasattr('decode') as bad as I feel it would be?

Asked By: A. Wilcox



You can use:

isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray))

Due to the different base class is used here.

>>> bytes.__base__
<type 'basestring'>
>>> bytearray.__base__
<type 'object'>

To check bytes

>>> by = bytes()
>>> isinstance(by, basestring)


>>> buf = bytearray()
>>> isinstance(buf, basestring)

The above codes are test under python 2.7

Unfortunately, under python 3.4, they are same….

>>> bytes.__base__
<class 'object'>
>>> bytearray.__base__
<class 'object'>
Answered By: zangw

There are a few approaches you could use here.

Duck typing

Since Python is duck typed, you could simply do as follows (which seems to be the way usually suggested):

    data = data.decode()
except (UnicodeDecodeError, AttributeError):

You could use hasattr as you describe, however, and it’d probably be fine. This is, of course, assuming the .decode() method for the given object returns a string, and has no nasty side effects.

I personally recommend either the exception or hasattr method, but whatever you use is up to you.

Use str()

This approach is uncommon, but is possible:

data = str(data, "utf-8")

Other encodings are permissible, just like with the buffer protocol’s .decode(). You can also pass a third parameter to specify error handling.

Single-dispatch generic functions (Python 3.4+)

Python 3.4 and above include a nifty feature called single-dispatch generic functions, via functools.singledispatch. This is a bit more verbose, but it’s also more explicit:

def func(data):
    # This is the generic implementation
    data = data.decode()

def _(data):
    # data will already be a string

You could also make special handlers for bytearray and bytes objects if you so chose.

Beware: single-dispatch functions only work on the first argument! This is an intentional feature, see PEP 433.

Answered By: Elizafox

This code is not correct unless you know something we don’t:

if isinstance(data, bytes):
    data = data.decode()

You do not (appear to) know the encoding of data. You are assuming it’s UTF-8, but that could very well be wrong. Since you do not know the encoding, you do not have text. You have bytes, which could have any meaning under the sun.

The good news is that most random sequences of bytes are not valid UTF-8, so when this breaks, it will break loudly (errors='strict' is the default) instead of silently doing the wrong thing. The even better news is that most of those random sequences that happen to be valid UTF-8 are also valid ASCII, which (nearly) everyone agrees on how to parse anyway.

The bad news is that there is no reasonable way to fix this. There is a standard way of providing encoding information: use str instead of bytes. If some third-party code handed you a bytes or bytearray object without any further context or information, the only correct action is to fail.

Now, assuming you do know the encoding, you can use functools.singledispatch here:

def foo(data, other_arguments, ...):
    raise TypeError('Unknown type: '+repr(type(data)))

def _(data, other_arguments, ...):
    # data is a str

def _(data, other_arguments, ...):
    data = data.decode('encoding')
    # explicit is better than implicit; don't leave the encoding out for UTF-8
    return foo(data, other_arguments, ...)

This doesn’t work on methods, and data has to be the first argument. If those restrictions don’t work for you, use one of the other answers instead.

Answered By: Kevin

It depends what you want to solve. If you want to have the same code that converts both cases to a string, you can simply convert the type to bytes first, and then decode. This way, it is a one-liner:


b1 = b'123456'
b2 = bytearray(b'123456')


s1 = bytes(b1).decode('utf-8')
s2 = bytes(b2).decode('utf-8')


This way, the answer for you may be:

data = bytes(data).decode()

Anyway, I suggest to write 'utf-8' explicitly to the decode, if you do not care to spare few bytes. The reason is that the next time you or someone else will read the source code, the situation will be more apparent.

Answered By: pepr

There are two questions here, and the answers to them are different.

The first question, the title of this post, is What is the proper way to determine if an object is a bytes-like object in Python? This includes a number of built-in types (bytes, bytearray, array.array, memoryview, others?) and possibly also user-defined types. The best way I know of to check for these is to try to create a memoryview out of them:

>>> memoryview(b"foo")
<memory at 0x7f7c43a70888>
>>> memoryview(u"foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: memoryview: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

In the body of the original post, though, it sounds like the question is instead How do I test whether an object supports decode()? @elizabeth-myers’ above answer to this question is great. Note that not all bytes-like objects support decode().

Answered By: Jack O'Connor
>>> content = b"hello"
>>> text = "hello"
>>> type(content)
<class 'bytes'>
>>> type(text)
<class 'str'>
>>> type(text) is str
>>> type(content) is bytes
Answered By: Jeeva

The test if isinstance(data, bytes) or if type(data) == bytes, etc. doesn’t work in Python 2, where a simple ASCII string passes the test of ! Because I use both Python 2 and Python 3, in order to overcome this I do the following check:

if str(type(data)).find("bytes") != -1: print("It's <bytes>")

It’s a little ugly, but it does the job the question asks and it always works, in the simplest way.

Answered By: Apostolos
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