Make part of a matplotlib title bold and a different color


I would like to change part of a title to be bold. For example:

plt.title("This is title number: " + str(number))

Given a title like the above, how would I bold the str(number) part.

Asked By: bgame2498



This post should answer your question on manipulating the title. You can use latex text rendering and call textbf for that particular part of the string.

Styling part of label in legend in matplotlib

Here is the documentation:

Answered By: DeeGautam

activate latex text rendering

from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)

plt.title("This is title number: " + r"textbf{" + str(number) + "}")
Answered By: bgame2498

From matplotlib version 2 on,
there is no need to use latex (which would require a working latex installation). One can use normal MathText to render part of the title in bold.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
number = 2017
plt.title("This is title number: " + r"$bf{" + str(number) + "}$")

enter image description here

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