How to disable formatting for FloatField in template for Django


i just can’t seem to find a definitive answer to this issue, and django’s irc needs auth to services…
So my question is : how can you force some kind of formatting for FloatFields in template when you’re using Django ?

The problem is simple i need simple dot separated numbers like this : 42547.34
And i end up with comma separated values…

here is a example of template where the problem occurs :

{% for point in zone.points.all  %}
  {% if forloop.last %}
    new google.maps.LatLng({{point.latitude|floatformat}},{{point.longitude|floatformat}})
  {% else %} 
    new google.maps.LatLng({{point.latitude|floatformat}},{{point.longitude|floatformat}}),
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}];

Thank you for your time.

P.S. i don’t have this problem when using the admin generated forms where the floats appear correctly (My locale is en_US)

Asked By: Olivier Girardot



You could use a custom (see “Creating custom format files” in the Django docs) and define THOUSAND_SEPARATOR and DECIMAL_SEPARATOR


This is a global setting, so it will affect all floats displayed on your site. And you’ll have to turn on localization (USE_L10N in your

If you have control over the template, you could simply remove the floatformat filter.

edit: I’m not sure, but perhaps you are a victim of this Django bug: #13617. Try to turn off localization support in your and see if the erroneous commas disappear:

USE_L10N = False

If that is the case, have a look at the various workarounds mentioned in the bugreport (the simplest being to turn localization off if you don’t need it anyway).

Answered By: Benjamin Wohlwend

I’ve got the same issue, and as piquadrat says, it’s an annoying bug related to localization support. Changing USE_L10N = True to False solve this, it is suppposed to be fix in Django 1.3.

Answered By: aldeano

You need to create a custom template filter.

from django.template import Library
from django.utils.numberformat import format

register = Library()

def floatdot(value, decimal_pos=4):
    return format(value, ".", decimal_pos)

floatdot.is_safe = True


{{ float_var|floatdot }} or {{ float_var|floatdot:2 }}

Answered By: Pascal Polleunus
{{ float_var|stringformat:"f" }}
Answered By: Stef

I have a problem rendering lat and lng values.
My solution was:

{{ value|safe }}
Answered By: user535010

When print some variable for javascrip, its better to jsonify it. Write a jsonify template tag then use


Template tags

from django.core.serializers import serialize
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
import json
from django.template import Library

register = Library()

def jsonify(object):
    if isinstance(object, QuerySet):
        return serialize('json', object)
    return json.dumps(object)

register.filter('jsonify', jsonify)
Answered By: James

You can now force the value to be printed without localization.

{% load l10n %}

{{ value|unlocalize }}

Taken from

Answered By: JustinHui
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