Find tuple structure containing an unknown value inside a list


Say I have list of tuples:

list = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]

Is there a way in Python to write something like

if (1, *) in list: do things

where * means “I don’t care about this value“? So we are checking if there is a tuple with 1 at the first position and with whatever value on the second one.

As far as I know there are special mechanisms in other languages, but I just don’t know the name of this particular problem. So is there similar behavior in Python?

P.S.: I know that I can use list comprehensions here. I am just interested in this particular mechanism.

Asked By: selotec



You can use the any() function:

if any(t[0] == 1 for t in yourlist):

This efficiently tests and exits early if 1 is found in the first position of a tuple.

Answered By: Martijn Pieters

This can be done in Python using list comprehension.

a= [(1, 2), (3, 4), (4, 5), (1, 4)]
[i for i in a if i[0] == 1]

Will give you:

[(1, 2), (1, 4)]
Answered By: nsr

number of element in tuple could be handled also.

>>> import operator
>>> mylist = [(1,2), (1,5), (4,5,8)]
>>> any(i==1 for i  in map(operator.itemgetter(0), mylist))
Answered By: Nazmul Hasan

Not all of my solution methods provided below will be necessarily efficient. My goal is to demonstrate every possible solution method I can think of – at the end of my answer I provide “benchmark” results to show why or why not you should use one certain method over another. I believe that is a good way of learning, and I will shamelessly encourage such learning in my answers.

Subset + hash sets

>>> a_list = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]
>>> set([l[0] for l in a_list])
{1, 2}
>>> 1 in set([l[0] for l in a_list])

map(), and anonymous functions

>>> a_list = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]
>>> map(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)
[True, True, False]
>>> True in set(map(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list))

filter and anonymous functions

>>> a_list = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]
>>> filter(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)
[(1,5), (1,7)]
>>> len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)) > 0  # non-empty list



  • 1000 items
  • 100K repetition
  • 0-100 random range
  • Python 2.7.10, IPython 2.3.0


from pprint import pprint
from random import randint
from timeit import timeit

N_ITEMS = 1000
N_SIM = 1 * (10 ** 5)  # 100K = 100000

a_list = [(randint(0, 100), randint(0, 100)) for _ in range(N_ITEMS)]

set_membership_list_comprehension_time = timeit(
    "1 in set([l[0] for l in a_list])",
    number = N_SIM,
    setup="from __main__ import a_list"

bool_membership_map_time = timeit(
    "True in set(map(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list))",
    number = N_SIM,
    setup="from __main__ import a_list"

nonzero_length_filter_time = timeit(
    "len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)) > 0",
    number = N_SIM,
    setup="from __main__ import a_list"

any_list_comprehension_time = timeit(
    "any(t[0] == 1 for t in a_list)",
    number = N_SIM,
    setup="from __main__ import a_list"

results = {
    "any(t[0] == 1 for t in a_list)": any_list_comprehension_time,
    "len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)) > 0": nonzero_length_filter_time,
    "True in set(map(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list))": bool_membership_map_time,
    "1 in set([l[0] for l in a_list])": set_membership_list_comprehension_time

    sorted(results.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])

Results (in seconds)

[('any(t[0] == 1 for t in a_list)', 2.6685791015625),     # winner - Martijn
 ('1 in set([l[0] for l in a_list])', 4.85234808921814),
 ('len(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list)) > 0', 7.11224889755249),
 ('True in set(map(lambda x: x[0] == 1, a_list))', 10.343087911605835)]

Who’s got the last laugh now? … Martijn (at least I tried)

MORAL OF THE STORY: Don’t spend more than 10 minutes “proving” your inferior solution is faster and more efficient on a small test data, when another user’s answer is the de-facto correct one

Answered By: Eddo Hintoso

A placeholder object like you’re asking for isn’t supported natively, but you can make something like that yourself:

class Any(object):
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return True

lst = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]

The __eq__ method defines how two objects test for equality. (See for details.) Here, ANYTHING will always test positive for equality with any object. (Unless that object also overrode __eq__ in a way to return False.)

The in operator merely calls __eq__ for each element in your list. I.e. a in b does something like:

for elem in b:
    if elem == a:
        return True

This means that, if you say (1, ANYTHING) in lst, Python will first compare (1, ANYTHING) to the first element in lst. (Tuples, in turn, define __eq__ to return True if all its elements’ __eq__ return True. I.e. (x, y) == (a, b) is equivalent to x==a and y==b, or x.__eq__(a) and y.__eq__(b).)

Hence, (1, ANYTHING) in lst will return True, while (3, ANYTHING) in lst will return False.

Also, note that I renamed your list lst instead of list to prevent name clashes with the Python built-in list.

Answered By: acdr

It sounds like you actually want filter(), not any():

tuple_list = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]
for pair in filter(lambda pair: (pair[0] == 1), tuple_list):
    print "Second value {pair[1]} found from {pair}".format(pair=pair)
Second value 5 found from (1, 5)
Second value 7 found from (1, 7)

The filter() method is great because you can provide a function directly to it. This lets you specify a certain key to filter on, etc. To simplify it further, use a lambda expression to make the entire thing into a one-liner.

Answered By: dhackner

Indexing is the simplest but if you wanted to use syntax similar to your example where you wanted to assign the first value to a variable and ignore the rest you could use python3’s extended iterable unpacking.

In [3]: [a for a,*_ in l]
Out[3]: [1, 1, 2]

Or with the any logic:

In [4]: l = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]

In [5]: any(a == 1 for a,*_ in l)
Out[5]: True

Or mimicking any without the function call:

In [23]: l = [(1,5), (1,7), (2,3)]
In [24]: g = (a  for a,*_ in l)

In [25]: 1 in g
Out[25]: True

In [26]: list(g)
Out[26]: [1, 2]
Answered By: Padraic Cunningham
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