Creating a Confirmation function in python


def confirm_choice():
    confirm = input("[c]Confirm or [v]Void: ")
    if confirm != 'c' and confirm != 'v':
        print("n Invalid Option. Please Enter a Valid Option.")
    print (confirm)
    return confirm

When an invalid input has been keyed in for example, the letter ‘k’ followed by a valid input ‘c’, the function would print both inputs ‘c’ and ‘k’



How can the above program be altered so that it returns only either ‘c’ or ‘v’and repeats the function if the input is invalid.

Asked By: luishengjie



You forgot to return after recursively calling confirm_choice() and so it falls out of the if-block and executes

print (confirm)
return confirm

which will print the first invalid input.

def confirm_choice():
    confirm = input("[c]Confirm or [v]Void: ")
    if confirm != 'c' and confirm != 'v':
        print("n Invalid Option. Please Enter a Valid Option.")
        return confirm_choice() 
    print (confirm)
    return confirm

should behave correctly.

Answered By: Ilja Everilä

Recursion is unnecessary; it’s easier to use a while loop for this:

while True:
    confirm = input('[c]Confirm or [v]Void: ')
    if confirm.strip().lower() in ('c', 'v'):
        return confirm
    print("n Invalid Option. Please Enter a Valid Option.")
Answered By: tzaman