Identify Duplicated rows with Additional Column


I have the following Dataframe:

   PplNum  RoomNum  Value
0       1        0    265
1       1       12    170
2       2        0    297
3       2       12     85
4       2        0     41
5       2       12    144

Generally the PplNum and RoomNum is generated like this, and it will always follow this format:

for ppl in [1,2,2]:
    for room in [0, 12]:
        print(ppl, room)
1 0
1 12
2 0
2 12
2 0
2 12

But now what I would like to achieve is to mark those duplicates combinations of PplNum and RoomNum so that I can know which combinationss are the first occurrence, which are the second occurrence and so on… So the expected output Dataframe will be like this:

    PplNum  RoomNum  Value  C
0       1        0    265  1
1       1       12    170  1
2       2        0    297  1
3       2       12     85  1
4       2        0     41  2
5       2       12    144  2
Asked By: user6393964



you can do it using groupby() together with cumcount() function:

In [102]: df['C'] = df.groupby(['PplNum','RoomNum']).cumcount() + 1

In [103]: df
   PplNum  RoomNum  Value  C
0       1        0    265  1
1       1       12    170  1
2       2        0    297  1
3       2       12     85  1
4       2        0     41  2
5       2       12    144  2


In [101]: df.groupby(['PplNum','RoomNum']).cumcount() + 1
0    1
1    1
2    1
3    1
4    2
5    2
dtype: int64

Group-By examples

Here is my approach with a recursive function:

dfnondup = df.drop_duplicates(['PplNum', 'RoomNum'])

def rename_dup(df):
    def rename_dup(df, c, dfnew):
        dfnondup = df.drop_duplicates(['PplNum', 'RoomNum'])
        dfnondup['C'] = pd.Series([c] * len(dfnondup), index=dfnondup.index)
        dfnew = pd.concat([dfnew, dfnondup], axis=0)
        c += 1
        dfdup = df[df.duplicated(['PplNum', 'RoomNum'])]
        if dfdup.empty:
            return dfnew, c
            return rename_dup(dfdup, c, dfnew)

    return rename_dup(df, 1, pd.DataFrame())

dfnew, c = rename_dup(df)

The result dfnew will be

   PplNum  RoomNum  Value  C
0       1        0    265  1
1       1       12    170  1
2       2        0    297  1
3       2       12     85  1
4       2        0     41  2
5       2       12    144  2
Answered By: 2342G456DI8