How to parse BaseHTTPRequestHandler.path


I’m using Python’s BaseHTTPRequestHandler. When I implement the do_GET method I find myself parsing by hand self.path

self.path looks something like:


How should I parse it in order to get a dict like

{'parameter': 'value', 'other':'some'}


Asked By: Juanjo Conti



Answered By: Radomir Dopieralski

Use parse_qs from the urlparse module, but make sure you remove the “/?”:

from urlparse import parse_qs
s = "/?parameter=value&other=some"
print parse_qs(s[2:]) # prints {'other': ['some'], 'parameter': ['value']}

Note that each parameter can have multiple values, so the returned dict maps each parameter name to a list of values.

Answered By: AndiDog

Considering self.path could potentially be hierarchical, you should probably do something like the following :

import urlparse
o = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
Answered By: Decoder

In case somebody needs it for Python3:

import urllib.parse
s = "/?parameter=value&other=some"
>>> {'other': ['some'], 'parameter': ['value']}

urlparse was renamed to urllib.parse in Python3.

Answered By: Maximilian Peters

You can do this easily with cgi.FieldStorage using the instance variables that BaseHTTPRequestHandler provides:

form = cgi.FieldStorage(
            'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST',
            'CONTENT_TYPE': self.headers['Content-Type'],
Answered By: cornelius
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