Django Left Outer Join


I have a website where users can see a list of movies, and create reviews for them.

The user should be able to see the list of all the movies. Additionally, IF they have reviewed the movie, they should be able to see the score that they gave it. If not, the movie is just displayed without the score.

They do not care at all about the scores provided by other users.

Consider the following

from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.db import models

class Topic(models.Model):
    name = models.TextField()

    def __str__(self):

class Record(models.Model):
    user = models.ForeignKey(User)
    topic = models.ForeignKey(Topic)
    value = models.TextField()

    class Meta:
        unique_together = ("user", "topic")

What I essentially want is this

select * from bar_topic
left join (select topic_id as tid, value from bar_record where user_id = 1)
on tid =

Consider the following for context:

from django.test import TestCase

from bar.models import *

from django.db.models import Q

class TestSuite(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        t1 = Topic.objects.create(name="A")
        t2 = Topic.objects.create(name="B")
        t3 = Topic.objects.create(name="C")
        # 2 for Johnny
        johnny = User.objects.create(username="Johnny")
        johnny.record_set.create(topic=t1, value=1)
        johnny.record_set.create(topic=t3, value=3)
        # 3 for Mary
        mary = User.objects.create(username="Mary")
        mary.record_set.create(topic=t1, value=4)
        mary.record_set.create(topic=t2, value=5)
        mary.record_set.create(topic=t3, value=6)

    def test_raw(self):
        with self.assertNumQueries(1):
            topics = Topic.objects.raw('''
                select * from bar_topic
                left join (select topic_id as tid, value from bar_record where user_id = 1)
                on tid =
            for topic in topics:
                print(topic, topic.value)

    def test_orm(self):
        with self.assertNumQueries(1):
            topics = Topic.objects.filter(Q(record__user_id=1)).values_list('name', 'record__value')
            for topic in topics:

BOTH tests should print the exact same output, however, only the raw version spits out the correct table of results:

A 1
B None
C 3

the orm instead returns this

A 1
C 3

Any attempt to join back the rest of the topics, those that have no reviews from user “johnny”, result in the following:

A 1
A 4
B 5
C 3
C 6

How can I accomplish the simple behavior of the raw query with the Django ORM?

edit: This sort of works but seems very poor:

topics = Topic.objects.filter(record__user_id=1).values_list('name', 'record__value')
noned = Topic.objects.exclude(record__user_id=1).values_list('name')
for topic in chain(topics, noned):

edit: This works a little bit better, but still bad:

    topics = Topic.objects.filter(record__user_id=1).annotate(value=F('record__value'))
    topics |= Topic.objects.exclude(pk__in=topics)
A 1
B 5
C 3
Asked By: RodericDay



First of all, there is no a way (atm Django 1.9.7) to have a representation with Django’s ORM of the raw query you posted, exactly as you want; however, you can get the same desired result with something like:

>>> Topic.objects.annotate(
        'id', 'name', 'f'
        'id', 'name'
        'name', 'f'
>>> [(u'A', 1), (u'B', None), (u'C', 3)]

>>> Topic.objects.annotate(f=Case(When(record__user=may, then=F('record__value')), output_field=IntegerField())).order_by('id', 'name', 'f').distinct('id', 'name').values_list('name', 'f')
>>> [(u'A', 4), (u'B', 5), (u'C', 6)]

Here the SQL generated for the first query:

>>> print Topic.objects.annotate(f=Case(When(record__user=johnny, then=F('record__value')), output_field=IntegerField())).order_by('id', 'name', 'f').distinct('id', 'name').values_list('name', 'f').query

>>> SELECT DISTINCT ON ("payments_topic"."id", "payments_topic"."name") "payments_topic"."name", CASE WHEN "payments_record"."user_id" = 1 THEN "payments_record"."value" ELSE NULL END AS "f" FROM "payments_topic" LEFT OUTER JOIN "payments_record" ON ("payments_topic"."id" = "payments_record"."topic_id") ORDER BY "payments_topic"."id" ASC, "payments_topic"."name" ASC, "f" ASC

##Some notes

  • Doesn’t hesitate to use raw queries, specially when the performance is the most important thing. Moreover, sometimes it is a must since you can’t get the same result using Django’s ORM; in other cases you can, but once in a while having clean and understandable code is more important than the performance in this piece of code.
  • distinct with positional arguments is used in this answer, which is available for PostgreSQL only, atm. In the docs you can see more about conditional expressions.
Answered By: trinchet

Raw Queries.

topics = Topic.objects.raw('''
            select * from bar_topic
            left join (select topic_id as tid, value from bar_record where user_id = 1) AS subq
            on tid =

You seem to know the answer yourself. There is nothing wrong with using a raw query when you can’t get the ORM query to behave exactly the way you want it to.

One main drawback with raw queries is that they are not cached like ORM queries. That means if you iterate through the raw queryset twice, the query will be repeated. Another is that you cannot call .count() on it.

Null Foreign Keys

You can force the ORM to use LEFT OUTER JOIN BY setting null=True in the foreign keys. Do this with the tables as they are.

print Record.objects.filter(user_id=8).select_related('topic').query

The result is

SELECT "bar_record"."id", "bar_record"."user_id", "bar_record"."topic_id", "bar_record"."value", "bar_topic"."id", "bar_topic"."name" FROM "bar_record"
INNER JOIN "bar_topic" ON ( "bar_record"."topic_id" = "bar_topic"."id" ) WHERE "bar_record"."user_id" = 8

Now set, null=True and perform the same ORM query as above. The result is

SELECT "bar_record"."id", "bar_record"."user_id", "bar_record"."topic_id", "bar_record"."value", "bar_topic"."id", "bar_topic"."name" FROM "bar_record" 
LEFT OUTER JOIN "bar_topic" ON ( "bar_record"."topic_id" = "bar_topic"."id" ) WHERE "bar_record"."user_id" = 8

Note how the query has suddenly changed to LEFT OUTER JOIN. But we are not out of the woods yet because the order of tables should be reversed! Thus unless you can restructure your models, an ORM LEFT OUTER JOIN may not be entirely possible without chaining or UNION both of which you have tried out already.

Answered By: e4c5

This is how I would do it. Two queries, not one:

class Topic(models.Model):

    def user_value(self):
            return self.user_records[0].value
        except IndexError:
            #This topic does not have 
            #a review by the request.user
            return None
        except AttributeError:
            raise AttributeError('You forgot to prefetch the user_records')
            #or you can just
            return None

topics = Topic.objects.all().prefetch_related(

for topic in topics:
    print topic.user_value

The benefit is that you get the whole Record object. So consider a situation where you want to not only show the value, but the time-stamp also.

Just for the record I want to show one more solution using .extra. I’m impressed no one has mention it, because it should produce the best possible performance.

topics = Topic.objects.all().extra(
        'user_value': """SELECT value FROM myapp_record 
            WHERE myapp_record.user_id = %s
            AND myapp_record.topic_id = 

for topic in topics
    print topic.user_value

Both solutions can be abstracted into a custom TopicQuerySet class for re-usability.

class TopicQuerySet(models.QuerySet):

    def prefetch_user_records(self, user):
        return self.prefetch_related(

    def annotate_user_value(self, user):
        return self.extra(
                'user_value': """SELECT value FROM myapp_record 
                    WHERE myapp_record.user_id = %s
                    AND myapp_record.topic_id = 

class Topic(models.Model):

    objects = TopicQuerySet.as_manager()

topics = Topic.objects.all().annotate_user_value(request.user)
topics = Topic.objects.all().prefetch_user_records(request.user)

for topic in topics:
    print topic.user_value
Answered By: Todor

This more universal solution inspired by trinchet’s answer works also with other databases:

>>> qs = Topic.objects.annotate(
...         f=Max(Case(When(record__user=johnny, then=F('record__value'))))
... )

example data

>>> print(qs.values_list('name', 'f'))
[(u'A', 1), (u'B', None), (u'C', 3)]

verify the query

>>> print(qs.query)  # formated and removed excessive double quotes
       MAX(CASE WHEN bar_record.user_id = 1 THEN bar_record.value ELSE NULL END) AS f
FROM bar_topic LEFT OUTER JOIN bar_record ON ( = bar_record.topic_id)

Advantages (compared to the original solutions)

  • It works also with SQLite.
  • The query set can be easily filtered or sorted, no matter how.
  • No type cast output_field is necessary.
  • The methods values or values_list(*field_names) are useful for a more simple GROUP BY, but they are not necessary.

The left join can be made more readable by writing a function:

from django.db.models import Max, Case, When, F

def left_join(result_field, **lookups):
    return Max(Case(When(then=F(result_field), **lookups)))

>>> Topic.objects.annotate(
...         record_value=left_join('record__value', record__user=johnny),
... ).values_list('name', 'record_value')

More fields from Record can be added by anotate method to results this way with nice mnemonic names.

I agree with other authors that it can be optimized, but readability counts.

EDIT: The same result comes if the aggregation function Max is replaced by Min. Both Min and Max ignore NULL values and can be used on any type, e.g. for strings. The aggregation is useful if the left join is not guaranteed to be unique. If the field is numeric than it can be useful to use average value Avg on the left join.

Answered By: hynekcer

What I essentially want is this

select * from bar_topic
left join (select topic_id as tid, value from bar_record where user_id = 1)
on tid =

…or, perhaps this equivalent which avoids a subquery…

select * from bar_topic
left join bar_record
on bar_record.topic_id = and bar_record.user_id = 1

I want to know how to do this effectively, or, if it is impossible, an explanation of why it is impossible…

Unless you use raw queries, it’s impossible with Django’s ORM, and here’s why.

QuerySet objects (django.db.models.query.QuerySet) have a query attribute (django.db.models.sql.query.Query) which is a representation of the actual query which will be performed. These Query objects helpfully have a __str__ method, so you can print it out to see what it is.

Let’s start with a simple QuerySet

>>> from bar.models import *
>>> qs = Topic.objects.filter(record__user_id=1)
>>> print qs.query
SELECT "bar_topic"."id", "bar_topic"."name" FROM "bar_topic" INNER JOIN "bar_record" ON ("bar_topic"."id" = "bar_record"."topic_id") WHERE "bar_record"."user_id" = 1

…which is obviously not going to work, due to the INNER JOIN.

Taking a deeper look inside the Query object, there’s an alias_map attribute which determines what table joins will be performed…

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(qs.query.alias_map)
{u'bar_record': JoinInfo(table_name=u'bar_record', rhs_alias=u'bar_record', join_type='INNER JOIN', lhs_alias=u'bar_topic', lhs_join_col=u'id', rhs_join_col='topic_id', nullable=True),
 u'bar_topic': JoinInfo(table_name=u'bar_topic', rhs_alias=u'bar_topic', join_type=None, lhs_alias=None, lhs_join_col=None, rhs_join_col=None, nullable=False),
 u'auth_user': JoinInfo(table_name=u'auth_user', rhs_alias=u'auth_user', join_type='INNER JOIN', lhs_alias=u'bar_record', lhs_join_col='user_id', rhs_join_col=u'id', nullable=False)}

Note that Django only supports two possible join_types, INNER JOIN and LEFT OUTER JOIN (source).

Now, we can use the Query object’s promote_joins methods to use a LEFT OUTER JOIN on the bar_record table…

>>> qs.query.promote_joins(['bar_record'])
>>> pprint(qs.query.alias_map)
{u'bar_record': JoinInfo(table_name=u'bar_record', rhs_alias=u'bar_record', join_type='LEFT OUTER JOIN', lhs_alias=u'bar_topic', lhs_join_col=u'id', rhs_join_col='topic_id', nullable=True),
 u'bar_topic': JoinInfo(table_name=u'bar_topic', rhs_alias=u'bar_topic', join_type=None, lhs_alias=None, lhs_join_col=None, rhs_join_col=None, nullable=False),
 u'auth_user': JoinInfo(table_name=u'auth_user', rhs_alias=u'auth_user', join_type='LEFT OUTER JOIN', lhs_alias=u'bar_record', lhs_join_col='user_id', rhs_join_col=u'id', nullable=False)}

…which will change the query to…

>>> print qs.query
SELECT "bar_topic"."id", "bar_topic"."name" FROM "bar_topic" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bar_record" ON ("bar_topic"."id" = "bar_record"."topic_id") WHERE "bar_record"."user_id" = 1

…however, this is still no use, since the join will always match a row, even if it doesn’t belong to the correct user, and the WHERE clause will filter it out.

Using values_list() automatically influences the join_type

>>> qs = Topic.objects.filter(record__user_id=1).values_list('name', 'record__value')
>>> print qs.query
SELECT "bar_topic"."name", "bar_record"."value" FROM "bar_topic" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bar_record" ON ("bar_topic"."id" = "bar_record"."topic_id") WHERE "bar_record"."user_id" = 1

…but ultimately suffers from the same problem.

There is, unfortunately, a fundamental limitation in the joins generated by the ORM, in that they can only be of the form…

(LEFT OUTER|INNER) JOIN <lhs_alias> ON (<lhs_alias>.<lhs_join_col> = <rhs_alias>.<rhs_join_col>)

…so there’s really no way to achieve your desired SQL, other than using a raw query.

Sure, you can hack around with things like annotate() and extra(), but they’ll likely generate queries which are far less performant, and arguably no more readable than raw SQL.

…and a suggested alternative.

Personally, I’d just use the raw query…

select * from bar_topic
left join bar_record
on bar_record.topic_id = and bar_record.user_id = 1

…which is simple enough to be compatible with all of Django’s supported backends.

Answered By: Aya

Django 2.0 introduced FilteredRelation objects, which I believe are what you want. This

print('nnew ormn---')
with self.assertNumQueries(1):
    topics = Topic.objects.annotate(
            'record', condition=Q(record__user_id=1)
    ).values_list('name', 'filtered_record__value')

    for topic in topics:

produces the expected table:

new orm
A 1
B None
C 3

The query Django outputs:

SELECT "bar_topic"."name", filtered_record."value" 
FROM "bar_topic" LEFT OUTER JOIN "bar_record" filtered_record 
ON ("bar_topic"."id" = filtered_record."topic_id" 
AND (filtered_record."user_id" = 1))
Answered By: betaveros

Leaving this out here since it solved our issue and it may help someone else.

  • We had two tables, let’s call them Client and Contract.
  • Client refers to Contract via a foreign key (many to one)
  • For some Client-records the Contract-record was deleted
  • We wanted to find the Clients which referred to Contract which no longer existed

We started out using OuterRef but both Client and Contract are very large tables. OuterRef is translated to a WHERE EXISTS, which was painfully slow. A lot of the above options also didn’t work for us. Here is what we did.

from django.db.models.sql.constants import LOUTER

queryset = Client.objects.filter(contract__date=None)
queryset.query.alias_map['contract'].join_type = LOUTER

Running print(str(queryset.query)) does indeed yield a query with a left outer join and the results also matches expectations.

Closing observations:

  • contract__id=None wouldn’t work because Django is too clever for its own good and just checks contract_id=None on the child table, which isn’t what you’re looking for with orphaned records. We picked a NOT NULL field in the parent table (contract__date in our example), forcing Django to make the join.
  • Inspect the alias_map to see how Django has named your aliases.
Answered By: Theo
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