Group dataframe and get sum AND count?


I have a dataframe that looks like this:

              Company Name              Organisation Name  Amount
10118  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  Welsh Assoc for Gastro & Endo 2700.00
10119  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd    Welsh IBD Specialist Group,  169.00
10120  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd             West Midlands AHSN 1200.00
10121  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd           Whittington Hospital   63.00
10122  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd                 Ysbyty Gwynedd   75.93

How do I sum the Amount and count the Organisation Name, to get a new dataframe that looks like this?

              Company Name             Organisation Count   Amount
10118  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd                              5 11000.00

I know how to sum or count:

df.groupby('Company Name').sum()
df.groupby('Company Name').count()

But not how to do both!

Asked By: Richard



try this:

In [110]: (df.groupby('Company Name')
   .....:    .agg({'Organisation Name':'count', 'Amount': 'sum'})
   .....:    .reset_index()
   .....:    .rename(columns={'Organisation Name':'Organisation Count'})
   .....: )
          Company Name   Amount  Organisation Count
0  Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93                   5

or if you don’t want to reset index:

df.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count'])


df.groupby('Company Name').agg({'Amount': ['sum','count']})


In [98]: df.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(['sum','count'])
                         sum  count
Company Name
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93      5

In [99]: df.groupby('Company Name').agg({'Amount': ['sum','count']})
                         sum count
Company Name
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93     5

If you have lots of columns and only one is different you could do:

In[1]: grouper = df.groupby('Company Name')
In[2]: res = grouper.count()
In[3]: res['Amount'] = grouper.Amount.sum()
In[4]: res
                      Organisation Name   Amount
Company Name                                   
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd                  5  4207.93

Note you can then rename the Organisation Name column as you wish.

Answered By: JSharm
df.groupby('Company Name').agg({'Organisation name':'count','Amount':'sum'})
    .apply(lambda x: x.sort_values(['count','sum'], ascending=False))
Answered By: cvsnow

Just in case you were wondering how to rename columns during aggregation, here’s how for

pandas >= 0.25: Named Aggregation

df.groupby('Company Name')['Amount'].agg(MySum='sum', MyCount='count')


df.groupby('Company Name').agg(MySum=('Amount', 'sum'), MyCount=('Amount', 'count'))

                       MySum  MyCount
Company Name                       
Vifor Pharma UK Ltd  4207.93        5
Answered By: cs95