cannot quit jupyter notebook server running


I am using Jupyter Notebook for a project. Since I ssh into a linux cluster at work I use

ssh -Y -L 8000:localhost:8888 user@host

Then I start the notebook with jupyter notebook --no-browser & so that I can continue using the terminal. Then on my local machine I open to localhost:8000 and go about my work.

My problem is that I forgot several times to close the server by foregrounding the process and killing it with Ctrl-C. Instead I just logged out of the ssh session. Now when I run jupyter notebook list I get

Currently running servers:
http://localhost:8934/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8870/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8892/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8891/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8890/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8889/ :: /export/home/jbalsells
http://localhost:8888/ :: /export/home/jbalsells

I obviously do not want all of these servers running on my work’s machine, but I do not know how to close them!

When I run ps I get nothing:

  PID TTY          TIME CMD
12678 pts/13   00:00:00 bash
22584 pts/13   00:00:00 ps

I have Jupyter 4.1.0 installed.

Asked By: Joalito



Section 3.3 should be applicable to this.

When a notebook is opened, its “computational engine” (called the kernel) is automatically started. Closing the notebook browser tab, will not shut down the kernel, instead the kernel will keep running until is explicitly shut down.

To shut down a kernel, go to the associated notebook and click on menu File -> Close and Halt. Alternatively, the Notebook Dashboard has a tab named Running that shows all the running notebooks (i.e. kernels) and allows shutting them down (by clicking on a Shutdown button).

Answered By: Ceddrick

So I found a solution.

Since jupyter notebook list tells you which ports the notebook servers are running on I looked for the PIDs using netstat -tulpn I got the information from

Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       
PID/Program name    
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      

Without looking too hard I was able to find the ports I knew to look for from jupyter notebook list and the processes running them (you could use grep if it were too hard to find them). Then I killed them with
kill 8337 (or whatever number was associated).

Answered By: Joalito

I ran into the same issue and followed the solution posted above. Just wanted to clearify the solution a little bit.

netstat -tulpn

will list all the active connections.

tcp    0   0*  LISTEN      19524/python

you will need the PID “19524” in this case. you can even use the following to get the PID of the port you are trying to shut down

fuser 8888/tcp

this will give you 19524 as well.

kill 19524

will shut down the port

Answered By: pramithus

Windows Systems commands on Command Prompt

Be careful to save all the changes made in your notebooks prior to kill the jupyter notebook server process.

i) find the port number used by jupyter notebook server

jupyter notebook list


jupyter notebook list
Currently running servers: :: D:kimkkDocumentsJupyterNotebook

ii) find process ids that use the found port number of jupyter notebook

netstat -ano | find "found portnumber"


netstat -ano | find "8888"

  TCP              LISTENING       24140
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     24140
  TCP        ESTABLISHED     24140
  TCP         ESTABLISHED     6492
  TCP         ESTABLISHED     6492
  • find rows with second column value equals to “8888”. In above example first, second, and third rows are target rows. In those rows, you can find PID in the last column (ex. 24140).

iii) kill jupyter notebook process with found PID

taskkill /PID found_PID /F


taskkill /PID 24140 /F
  • /F means forcely kill the process.

FYI, Jupyter notebook from version 5.1 supports stop command as follows:

jupyter notebook stop 8888

refer to

Answered By: Hongsoog

This might help:

  1. run jupyter notebook list to get the port number jupyter uses.
  2. run lsof -n -i4TCP:[port-number] to get PID.
    The PID is the second field in the output.
  3. run kill -9 [PID] to kill this process.
Answered By: ShusenTang

Use the following command to stop Jupyter notebook running on port 8888:

fuser -k 8888/tcp 
Answered By: smsarwar

On your notebook the welcoming page is named “Files” and you can see “Running” next to it. There is where you would want to shutdown and see the running notebooks

Answered By: tariksalay

Here’s a bash script that will kill ALL active Jupyter notebook servers at one go, based on the answers given by @Joalito and @Hongsoog:

jupyter notebook list | {
  while IFS= read -r line
    port=`echo "$line" | grep -o -P '(?<=localhost:).*(?=/ :)'`
    echo "killing jn in port $port"
    if [ -z "$port" ]
      netstat -tulpn | grep "$port" | grep -o -P '(?<=LISTEN      ).*(?=/py)' | xargs kill -15
Answered By: ako

What worked for me was

  1. jupyter notebook list, which in my case returned:
http://localhost:8889/?token=77d01d687da830b74eba946060660d :: /gpfs/blah/
http://localhost:8889/?token=1243162854ee3648e3154b26643794 :: /ifs/hello/world/
  1. netstat -tulpn | grep "8888", which in my case returned:
tcp        7      0*               LISTEN      17602/python3.9

And I found the PID in the last column: 17602.

  1. kill -9 17602, which freed up the port.
Answered By: amc