How to make this Block of python code short and efficient


I am total newbie to programming and python. I was solving a problem. I found the solution but it seems like too slow.

    if n % 2 == 0 and n % 3 == 0 and
       n % 4 == 0 and n % 5 == 0 and
       n % 6 == 0 and n % 7 == 0 and
       n % 8 == 0 and n % 9 == 0 and
       n % 10 == 0 and n % 11 == 0 and
       n % 12 == 0 and n % 13 == 0 and
       n % 14 == 0 and n % 15 == 0 and
       n % 16 == 0 and n % 17 == 0 and
       n % 18 == 0 and n % 19 == 0 and
       n % 20 == 0:

This is the piece the code to check whether n is divisible by all numbers from 2 to 20 or not.

How I can make it short and efficient.

Asked By: Sanatan Chaudhary



if all(n % i == 0 for i in range(2, 21)):

all accepts an iterable and returns True if all of its elements are evaluated to True, False otherwise. The n % i == 0 for i in range(2, 21) part returns an iterable with 19 True or False values, depending if n is dividable by the corresponding i value.

Answered By: DeepSpace

Built in all will help.

Return True if all elements of the iterable are true (or if the iterable is empty).

if all(n % i == 0 for i in xrange(2, 21))
Answered By: Vishnu Upadhyay

There’s a trade-off between short and efficient.

The Short way is if all(n % i == 0 for i in range(2, 21)):

The Efficient way is to notice that things like n % 20 == 0 also mean that n % f == 0 where f is any factor of 20. For example, you can drop n % 2 == 0. So you’ll end up with fewer comparisons which will run faster. In doing this you’ll notice a pattern and you’ll notice that the entire statement reduces to if n % 232792560 == 0! But that has now deeply embedded the 20 within it so will be difficult to unpick if you need a different upper limit.

So you see that the efficient way is not so easy to read and maintain. So pick the one best suited to your requirements.

Answered By: Bathsheba

You need a condition that evaluates True when all divisions give a zero remainder. The two solutions so far proposed don’t appear to do that. I suspect the condition you need is

if not any(n % i for i in range(2, 21)):
Answered By: holdenweb

There’s a smarter way to do this. If n is divisible by every integer in range(1, 21) then it must be a multiple of the least common multiple of those integers.

You can calculate the LCM of a set of numbers progressively, using the GCD (greatest common divisor). You can import the gcd function from the fractions module, or implement it directly in your code.

def gcd(a, b):
    ''' Greatest Common Divisor '''
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm(a, b):
    ''' Least Common Multiple '''
    return a * b // gcd(a, b)

# Compute the LCM of range(1, 21)
n = 2
for i in range(3, 21):
    n = lcm(n, i)

lcm20 = n
print('LCM =', lcm20)
for i in range(1, 21):
    print(i, lcm20 % i)


LCM = 232792560
1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
8 0
9 0
10 0
11 0
12 0
13 0
14 0
15 0
16 0
17 0
18 0
19 0
20 0

Now, to test if any number n is divisible by all the numbers is range(1, 21) you can just do

n % lcm20 == 0

or hard-code the constant into your script:

# 232792560 is the LCM of 1..20
n % 232792560 == 0

As Anton Sherwood points out in his comment we can speed up the process of finding the required LCM by just taking the LCM of the upper half of the range. This works because each number in the lower half of the range is a divisor of a number in the upper half of the range.

We can improve the speed even further by in-lining the GCD and LCM calculations, rather than calling functions to perform those operations. Python function calls are noticeably slower than C function calls due to the extra overheads involved.

Yakk mentions an alternative approach to finding the required LCM: calculate the product of the prime powers in the range. This is quite fast if the range is large enough (around 40 or so), but for small numbers the simple LCM loop is faster.

Below is some timeit code that compares the speed of these various approaches. This script runs on Python 2 and 3, I’ve tested it on Python 2.6 and Python 3.6. It uses a prime list function by Robert William Hanks to implement Yakk’s suggestion. I’ve modified Robert’s code slightly to make it compatible with Python 3. I suppose there may be a more efficient way to find the prime powers; if so, I’d like to see it. 🙂

I mentioned earlier that there’s a GCD function in the fractions module. I did some time tests with it, but it’s noticeably slower than my code. Presumably that’s because it does error checking on the arguments.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

''' Least Common Multiple of the numbers in range(1, m)

    Speed tests

    Written by PM 2Ring 2016.08.04

from __future__ import print_function
from timeit import Timer
#from fractions import gcd

def gcd(a, b):
    ''' Greatest Common Divisor '''
    while b:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm(a, b):
    ''' Least Common Multiple '''
    return a * b // gcd(a, b)

def primes(n):
    ''' Returns a list of primes < n '''
    # By Robert William Hanks, from
    sieve = [True] * (n//2)
    for i in range(3, int(n ** 0.5) + 1, 2):
        if sieve[i//2]:
            sieve[i*i//2::i] = [False] * ((n - i*i - 1) // (2*i) + 1)
    return [2] + [2*i + 1 for i in range(1, n//2) if sieve[i]]

def lcm_range_PM(m):
    ''' The LCM of range(1, m) '''
    n = 1
    for i in range(2, m):
        n = lcm(n, i)
    return n

def lcm_range_AS(m):
    ''' The LCM of range(1, m) '''
    n = m // 2
    for i in range(n + 1, m):
        n = lcm(n, i)
    return n

def lcm_range_fast(m):
    ''' The LCM of range(1, m) '''
    n = m // 2
    for i in range(n + 1, m):
        a, b = n, i
        while b:
            a, b = b, a % b
        n = n * i // a
    return n

def lcm_range_primes(m):
    n = 1
    for p in primes(m):
        a = p
        while a < m:
            a *= p
        n *= a // p
    return n

funcs = (

def verify(hi):
    ''' Verify that all the functions give the same result '''
    for i in range(2, hi + 1):
        a = [func(i) for func in funcs]
        a0 = a[0]
        assert all(u == a0 for u in a[1:]), (i, a)

def time_test(loops, reps):
    ''' Print timing stats for all the functions '''
    timings = []
    for func in funcs:
        fname = func.__name__
        setup = 'from __main__ import num, ' + fname
        cmd = fname + '(num)'
        t = Timer(cmd, setup)
        result = t.repeat(reps, loops)
        timings.append((result, fname))

    for result, fname in timings:
        print('{0:16} {1}'.format(fname, result))


reps = 3
loops = 8192
num = 2
for _ in range(10): 
    print('nnum = {0}, loops = {1}'.format(num, loops))
    time_test(loops, reps)
    num *= 2
    loops //= 2

print('n' + '- ' * 40)

funcs = (

loops = 1000
for num in range(30, 60):
    print('nnum = {0}, loops = {1}'.format(num, loops))
    time_test(loops, reps)



num = 2, loops = 8192
lcm_range_PM     [0.013914467999711633, 0.01393848999941838, 0.023966414999449626]
lcm_range_fast   [0.01656803699916054, 0.016577592001340236, 0.016578077998929075]
lcm_range_AS     [0.01738608899904648, 0.017602848000024096, 0.01770572900022671]
lcm_range_primes [0.0979132459997345, 0.09863009199943917, 0.10133290699923236]

num = 4, loops = 4096
lcm_range_fast   [0.01580070299860381, 0.01581421999981103, 0.016406731001552544]
lcm_range_AS     [0.020135083001150633, 0.021132826999746612, 0.021589830999801052]
lcm_range_PM     [0.02821666900126729, 0.029041511999821523, 0.036708851001094445]
lcm_range_primes [0.06287289499960025, 0.06381634699937422, 0.06406087200048205]

num = 8, loops = 2048
lcm_range_fast   [0.015360695999333984, 0.02138442599971313, 0.02630166100061615]
lcm_range_AS     [0.02104746699842508, 0.021742354998423252, 0.022648989999652258]
lcm_range_PM     [0.03499621999981173, 0.03546843599906424, 0.042924503999529406]
lcm_range_primes [0.03741390599861916, 0.03865244000007806, 0.03959638999913295]

num = 16, loops = 1024
lcm_range_fast   [0.015973221999956877, 0.01600381199932599, 0.01603960700049356]
lcm_range_AS     [0.023003745000096387, 0.023848425998949097, 0.024875303000953863]
lcm_range_primes [0.028887982000014745, 0.029422679001072538, 0.029940758000520873]
lcm_range_PM     [0.03780223299872887, 0.03925949299991771, 0.04462484900068375]

num = 32, loops = 512
lcm_range_fast   [0.018606906000059098, 0.02557359899947187, 0.03725786200084258]
lcm_range_primes [0.021675119000065024, 0.022790905999499955, 0.03934840099827852]
lcm_range_AS     [0.025330593998660333, 0.02545427500081132, 0.026093265998497372]
lcm_range_PM     [0.044320442000753246, 0.044836185001258855, 0.05193238799984101]

num = 64, loops = 256
lcm_range_primes [0.01650579099987226, 0.02443148000020301, 0.033489004999864846]
lcm_range_fast   [0.018367127000601613, 0.019002625000211992, 0.01955779200034158]
lcm_range_AS     [0.026258470001266687, 0.04113643799973943, 0.0436801750001905]
lcm_range_PM     [0.04854909000096086, 0.054864030998942326, 0.0797669980001956]

num = 128, loops = 128
lcm_range_primes [0.013294352000229992, 0.013383581999732996, 0.024317635999977938]
lcm_range_fast   [0.02098568399924261, 0.02108044199849246, 0.03272008299973095]
lcm_range_AS     [0.028861763999884715, 0.0399744570004259, 0.04660961700028565]
lcm_range_PM     [0.05302166500041494, 0.059346372001527925, 0.07757829000001948]

num = 256, loops = 64
lcm_range_primes [0.010487794999789912, 0.010514846000660327, 0.01055656300013652]
lcm_range_fast   [0.02619308099929185, 0.02637610199963092, 0.03755473099954543]
lcm_range_AS     [0.03422451699952944, 0.03513622399987071, 0.05206341099983547]
lcm_range_PM     [0.06851765200008231, 0.073690847000762, 0.07841700100107118]

num = 512, loops = 32
lcm_range_primes [0.009275872000216623, 0.009292663999076467, 0.009309271999882185]
lcm_range_fast   [0.03759837500001595, 0.03774761099884927, 0.0383951439998782]
lcm_range_AS     [0.04527828100071929, 0.046646228000099654, 0.0569303670017689]
lcm_range_PM     [0.11064135100059502, 0.12738902800083451, 0.13843623499997193]

num = 1024, loops = 16
lcm_range_primes [0.009248070000467123, 0.00931658900117327, 0.010279963000357384]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05642254200029129, 0.05663530499987246, 0.05796714499956579]
lcm_range_AS     [0.06509247900066839, 0.0652738099997805, 0.0658949799999391]
lcm_range_PM     [0.11376448099872505, 0.11652833600055601, 0.12083648199950403]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

num = 30, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.03275446999941778, 0.033530079999763984, 0.04002811799909978]
lcm_range_primes [0.04062690899991139, 0.040886697999667376, 0.04130547800014028]

num = 31, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.03423191600086284, 0.039976395999474335, 0.04078094900069118]
lcm_range_primes [0.04053011599899037, 0.04140578700025799, 0.04566663300101936]

num = 32, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.036124262000157614, 0.036700047998238006, 0.04392546200142533]
lcm_range_primes [0.042666604998885305, 0.04393434200028423, 0.05142524700022477]

num = 33, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.03875456000059785, 0.03997290300139866, 0.044469664000644116]
lcm_range_primes [0.04280027899949346, 0.0437891679994209, 0.04381238600035431]

num = 34, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.038203157999305404, 0.03937257799952931, 0.04531203700025799]
lcm_range_primes [0.043273317998682614, 0.043349457999283914, 0.04420187600044301]

num = 35, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04228670399970724, 0.04346491300020716, 0.047442203998798504]
lcm_range_primes [0.04332462999991549, 0.0433610400014004, 0.04525857199951133]

num = 36, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04175829099949624, 0.04217126499861479, 0.046840714998324984]
lcm_range_primes [0.04339772299863398, 0.04360795700085873, 0.04453475599984813]

num = 37, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04231068799890636, 0.04373836499871686, 0.05010528200000408]
lcm_range_primes [0.04371378700125206, 0.04463105400100176, 0.04481986299833807]

num = 38, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.042841554000915494, 0.043649038998410106, 0.04868016199907288]
lcm_range_primes [0.04571479200058093, 0.04654245399979118, 0.04671720700025617]

num = 39, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04469198100014182, 0.04786454099848925, 0.05639159299971652]
lcm_range_primes [0.04572433999965142, 0.04583652600013011, 0.046649005000290344]

num = 40, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.044788433999201516, 0.046223339000789565, 0.05302252199908253]
lcm_range_primes [0.045482261000870494, 0.04680115900009696, 0.046941823999077315]

num = 41, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04650144500010356, 0.04783133000091766, 0.05405569400136301]
lcm_range_primes [0.04678159699869866, 0.046870936999766855, 0.04726529199979268]

num = 42, loops = 1000
lcm_range_fast   [0.04772527699969942, 0.04824955299955036, 0.05483534199993301]
lcm_range_primes [0.0478546140002436, 0.048954233001495595, 0.04905354400034412]

num = 43, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.047872637000182294, 0.048093739000250935, 0.048502418998396024]
lcm_range_fast   [0.04906317900167778, 0.05292572700091114, 0.09274570399975346]

num = 44, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.049750300000596326, 0.050272532000235515, 0.05087747600009607]
lcm_range_fast   [0.050906279000628274, 0.05109869400075695, 0.05820328499976313]

num = 45, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.050158660000306554, 0.050309066000409075, 0.054478109999763547]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05236714599959669, 0.0539534259987704, 0.058996140000090236]

num = 46, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.049894845999006066, 0.0512076260001777, 0.051318084999365965]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05081920200063905, 0.051397655999608105, 0.05722950699964713]

num = 47, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.04971165599999949, 0.05024208400027419, 0.051092388999677496]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05388393700013694, 0.05502788499870803, 0.05994341699988581]

num = 48, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.0517014939996443, 0.05279760400117084, 0.052917389999493025]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05402479099939228, 0.055251746000067214, 0.06128628700025729]

num = 49, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.05412415899991174, 0.05474224499994307, 0.05610057699959725]
lcm_range_fast   [0.05757830900074623, 0.0590323519991216, 0.06310263200066402]

num = 50, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.054892387001018506, 0.05504404100065585, 0.05610281799999939]
lcm_range_fast   [0.0588886920013465, 0.0594741389995761, 0.06682244199873821]

num = 51, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.05582956999933231, 0.055921465000210446, 0.06004790299994056]
lcm_range_fast   [0.060586288000195054, 0.061715600999377784, 0.06733965300009004]

num = 52, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.0557458109997242, 0.05669860099988, 0.056761407999147195]
lcm_range_fast   [0.060323355999571504, 0.06177857100010442, 0.06778404599936039]

num = 53, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.05501838899908762, 0.05541463699955784, 0.0561610999993718]
lcm_range_fast   [0.06281833000139159, 0.06334177999997337, 0.06843207200108736]

num = 54, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.057314272000439814, 0.059501444000488846, 0.060004871998899034]
lcm_range_fast   [0.06634221600143064, 0.06662889200015343, 0.07153233899953193]

num = 55, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.05790564500057371, 0.05824322199987364, 0.05863306900027965]
lcm_range_fast   [0.06693624800027465, 0.06784769100158883, 0.07562533499913116]

num = 56, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.057219010001063, 0.05858367799919506, 0.06246676000046136]
lcm_range_fast   [0.06854197999928147, 0.06999059400004626, 0.07505119899906276]

num = 57, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.05746709300001385, 0.0587476679993415, 0.0606189070003893]
lcm_range_fast   [0.07094627400147147, 0.07241532700027165, 0.07868066799892404]

num = 58, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.0576490580006066, 0.058481812999161775, 0.05857339500107628]
lcm_range_fast   [0.07127979200049595, 0.07549924399972952, 0.07849203499972646]

num = 59, loops = 1000
lcm_range_primes [0.057503377998727956, 0.058632499998566345, 0.060360438999850885]
lcm_range_fast   [0.07332589399993594, 0.07625177999943844, 0.08087236799838138]

This timing info was generated using Python 3.6 running on a Debian derivative of Linux, on an ancient 2GHz Pentium IV machine.

Answered By: PM 2Ring

It’s just a mathematical trick,
use something like n % "LCM(1,2,...,20) == 0 which could be coded as:

if n % 232792560 == 0:
    #do whatever you want
Answered By: Masked Man

For variety, the way you could have used a loop for this is

test = True
for modulus in range(2, 21):
    if n % modulus != 0:
        test = False
if test:
    # Do stuff

If you are comfortable with forelse, you can improve the brevity by

for modulus in range(2, 21):
    if n % modulus != 0:
    # Do stuff

although that pattern may be unusual enough that you wouldn’t want to use it.

Another option is to write a helper function

def is_divisible_by_integers_up_to(n, bound):
    for modulus in range(2, bound + 1):
        if n % modulus != 0:
            return False
    return True

if is_divisible_by_integers_up_to(n, 20):
    # Do stuff

However, this particular example is simple enough that doing all with a generator expression as described in the other answers is the best way to go.

Answered By: user1084944

I’m a very light python user myself, and I didn’t know about all. Those solutions are pretty cool (and probably more efficient than the one I’m about to post). But just if you want to see another way to do it, here is another option:

def IsDivUpTo20(n):
   for i in range(2, 21):
      if n % i != 0:
         return False
   return True

And call it like so

if IsDivUpTo20(50):
   #what to do if it is divisible
   #what to do if it isn't
#for the example of 50, it'll be false and jump to the else part, but you can put any number of variable in there

Functionally it is working pretty much the same way ‘all’ is, but if you aren’t used to the fancy syntax and built-ins this one is a bit more intuitive.

*Note: I use Python 3, not Python 2.7 as the question is tagged. I’m pretty sure this works in that version but if not, someone please correct me.

Answered By: Cody

Similar to previous answers:

import operator
x = 232792560
if reduce(operator.__and__, [x % n == 0 for n in xrange(2, 21, 2)]):
Answered By: copper.hat

Many of the above code examples are shorter, but (probably) not efficient enough:

n%2 == 0 =>
    n%4 6 8... ==0
n%3 == 0 =>
    n%3 6 9... ==0

We can use only primes to check within the range:

if all(n % i == 0 for i in [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19])

Furthermore, if n divides all from 2 to 20, it divides the LCM of 2 to 20.

Answered By: zinking

I don’t know if answering your own question is good or not.

Since I need to check. if a number is divisible by numbers from 1 to 20 or not. So it gonna take long time to check. But if I could make checklist shorter then it will efficient.

Like, if a number is divisible by 18 then it also should be divisible by 2   3   6 and  9. So based on this I made my checklist:

if all(n % i == 0 for i in [7,11,13,16,17,18,19,20]):

    # some code

And for 14    15 and 12 think like that.

14 : If a number is divisible by both 2 and 7 it must be divisible by 14.

15: So in the case of 15 that if a number is divisible by 20 so it also should be divisible by 5 and if a number is divisible by 18 so it also should be divisible by 3 and if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5 then it must be divisible by 15.

This is more efficient than checking all number and it also ensures that the number is divisible by all number between 1 and 20.

Answered By: Sanatan Chaudhary