How do I read the number of files in a folder using Python?


How do I read the number of files in a specific folder using Python? Example code would be awesome!

Asked By: Noah R



To count files and directories non-recursively you can use os.listdir and take its length.

To count files and directories recursively you can use os.walk to iterate over the files and subdirectories in the directory.

If you only want to count files not directories you can use os.listdir and os.path.file to check if each entry is a file:

import os.path
path = '.'
num_files = len([f for f in os.listdir(path)
                if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))])

Or alternatively using a generator:

num_files = sum(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)) for f in os.listdir(path))

Or you can use os.walk as follows:


I found some of these ideas from this thread.

Answered By: Mark Byers

You can use the glob module:

>>> import glob
>>> print len(glob.glob('/tmp/*'))

Or, as Mark Byers suggests in his answer, if you only want files:

>>> print [f for f in glob.glob('/tmp/*') if os.path.isfile(f)]
>>> print sum(os.path.isfile(f) for f in glob.glob('/tmp/*'))
Answered By: bstpierre

Mark Byer’s answer is simple, elegant, and goes along with the python spirit.

There’s a problem, however: if you try to run that for any other directory than ".", it will fail, since os.listdir() returns the names of the files, not the full path. Those two are the same when listing the current working directory, so the error goes undetected in the source above.

For example, if you are at /home/me and you list /tmp, you’ll get (say) ['flashXVA67']. You’ll be testing /home/me/flashXVA67 instead of /tmp/flashXVA67 with the method above.

You can fix this using os.path.join(), like this:

import os.path
path = './whatever'
count = len([f for f in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f))])

Also, if you’re going to be doing this count a lot and require performance, you may want to do it without generating additional lists. Here’s a less elegant, unpythonesque yet efficient solution:

import os

def fcount(path):
    """ Counts the number of files in a directory """
    count = 0
    for f in os.listdir(path):
        if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, f)):
            count += 1
    return count

# The following line prints the number of files in the current directory:
path = "./whatever"
print fcount(path)
Answered By: slezica
total = len(filter(
            lambda f: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path_to_dir, f)),


total = sum([True for f in os.listdir(path_to_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join([path_to_dir, f)])
Answered By: Leonid Dashko

pathlib, that is new in v. 3.4, makes like easier. The line labelled 1 makes a non-recursive list of the current folder, the one labelled 2 the recursive list.

from pathlib import Path

import os

print (len(list(Path('.').glob('*')))) ## 1
print (len(list(Path('.').glob('**/*')))) ## 2

There are more goodies too. With these additional lines you can see both the absolute and relative file names for those items that are files.

for item in Path('.').glob('*'):
    if item.is_file():
        print (str(item), str(item.absolute()))

boxee_user_catalog.sqlite c:utilitiesboxee_user_catalog.sqlite
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newsletter-1 c:utilitiesnewsletter-1
notes.txt c:utilitiesnotes.txt
README c:utilitiesREADME
saveHighlighted.ahk c:utilitiessaveHighlighted.ahk
saveHighlighted.ahk.bak c:utilitiessaveHighlighted.ahk.bak
temp.htm c:utilitiestemp.htm
Answered By: Bill Bell

recursive solution:

sum(len(fs) for _,_,fs in os.walk(os.getcwd()))

for current directory solution:

Answered By: Iulian Bute

Try this:

import os
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('./your/folder/path'):
    print(f'There are {len(dirnames)} directories and {len(filenames)} images in {dirpath}.')

The result would look like this:

There are 10 directories and 0 images in ./asl_data/photos.
There are 0 directories and 32 images in ./asl_data/photos.
There are 0 directories and 34 images in ./asl_data/photos1.
There are 0 directories and 32 images in ./asl_data/photos2.
There are 0 directories and 31 images in ./asl_data/photos3.
There are 0 directories and 34 images in ./asl_data/photos4.
There are 0 directories and 31 images in ./asl_data/photos5.
There are 0 directories and 40 images in ./asl_data/photos6.
There are 0 directories and 33 images in ./asl_data/photos7.
There are 0 directories and 30 images in ./asl_data/photos8.
There are 0 directories and 39 images in ./asl_data/photos9.
Answered By: Jimmy Wang
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