Python type hinting without cyclic imports


I’m trying to split my huge class into two; well, basically into the "main" class and a mixin with additional functions, like so: file:


class Main(object, MyMixin):
    def func1(self, xxx):
        ... file:

class MyMixin(object):
    def func2(self: Main, xxx):  # <--- note the type hint

Now, while this works just fine, the type hint in MyMixin.func2 of course can’t work. I can’t import, because I’d get a cyclic import and without the hint, my editor (PyCharm) can’t tell what self is.

I’m using Python 3.4, but I’m willing to move to 3.5 if a solution is available there.

Is there any way I can split my class into two files and keep all the "connections" so that my IDE still offers me auto-completion and all the other goodies that come from it knowing the types?

Asked By: velis



The bigger issue is that your types aren’t sane to begin with. MyMixin makes a hardcoded assumption that it will be mixed into Main, whereas it could be mixed into any number of other classes, in which case it would probably break. If your mixin is hardcoded to be mixed into one specific class, you may as well write the methods directly into that class instead of separating them out.

To properly do this with sane typing, MyMixin should be coded against an interface, or abstract class in Python parlance:

import abc

class MixinDependencyInterface(abc.ABC):
    def foo(self):

class MyMixin:
    def func2(self: MixinDependencyInterface, xxx):  # ← mixin only depends on the interface

class Main(MixinDependencyInterface, MyMixin):
    def foo(self):
Answered By: deceze

There isn’t a hugely elegant way to handle import cycles in general, I’m afraid. Your choices are to either redesign your code to remove the cyclic dependency, or if it isn’t feasible, do something like this:


from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from main import Main

class MyObject(object):
    def func2(self, some_param: 'Main'):

The TYPE_CHECKING constant is always False at runtime, so the import won’t be evaluated, but mypy (and other type-checking tools) will evaluate the contents of that block.

We also need to make the Main type annotation into a string, effectively forward declaring it since the Main symbol isn’t available at runtime.

If you are using Python 3.7+, we can at least skip having to provide an explicit string annotation by taking advantage of PEP 563:


from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from main import Main

class MyObject(object):
    # Hooray, cleaner annotations!
    def func2(self, some_param: Main):

The from __future__ import annotations import will make all type hints be strings and skip evaluating them. This can help make our code here mildly more ergonomic.

All that said, using mixins with mypy will likely require a bit more structure then you currently have. Mypy recommends an approach that’s basically what deceze is describing — to create an ABC that both your Main and MyMixin classes inherit. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up needing to do something similar in order to make Pycharm’s checker happy.

Answered By: Michael0x2a

Turns out my original attempt was quite close to the solution as well. This is what I’m currently using:


class Main(object, MyMixin):
    def func1(self, xxx):
if False:
    from main import Main

class MyMixin(object):
    def func2(self: 'Main', xxx):  # <--- note the type hint

Note the import within if False statement that never gets imported (but IDE knows about it anyway) and using the Main class as string because it’s not known at runtime.

Answered By: velis

I think the perfect way should be to import all the classes and dependencies in a file (like and then from __init__ import * in all the other files.

In this case you are

  1. avoiding multiple references to those files and classes and
  2. also only have to add one line in each of the other files and
  3. the third would be the pycharm knowing about all of the classes that you might use.
Answered By: AmirHossein

For people struggling with cyclic imports when importing class only for Type checking: you will likely want to use a Forward Reference (PEP 484 – Type Hints):

When a type hint contains names that have not been defined yet, that definition may be expressed as a string literal, to be resolved later.

So instead of:

class Tree:
    def __init__(self, left: Tree, right: Tree):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

you do:

class Tree:
    def __init__(self, left: 'Tree', right: 'Tree'):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right
Answered By: Tomasz Bartkowiak

I would advice refactoring your code, as some other persons suggested.

I can show you a circular error I recently faced:


from spell import Heal, Lightning

class Person:
    def __init__(self): = 100

class Jedi(Person):
    def heal(self, other: Person):
        Heal(self, other)

class Sith(Person):
    def lightning(self, other: Person):
        Lightning(self, other)

from person import Person, Jedi, Sith

class Spell:
    def __init__(self, caster: Person, target: Person):
        self.caster: Person = caster Person = target

class Heal(Spell):
    def __init__(self, caster: Jedi, target: Person):
        super().__init__(caster, target) += 10

class Lightning(Spell):
    def __init__(self, caster: Sith, target: Person):
        super().__init__(caster, target) -= 10

from person import Jedi, Sith

Step by step:

# main starts to import person
from person import Jedi, Sith

# main did not reach end of person but ...
# person starts to import spell
from spell import Heal, Lightning

# Remember: main is still importing person
# spell starts to import person
from person import Person, Jedi, Sith


ImportError: cannot import name 'Person' from partially initialized module
'person' (most likely due to a circular import)

A script/module can be imported only by one and only one script.


class Person:
    def __init__(self): = 100

from person import Person

class Spell:
    def __init__(self, caster: Person, target: Person):
        self.caster: Person = caster Person = target

from person import Person
from spell import Spell

class Jedi(Person):
    def heal(self, other: Person):
        Heal(self, other)

class Heal(Spell):
    def __init__(self, caster: Jedi, target: Person):
        super().__init__(caster, target) += 10

from person import Person
from spell import Spell

class Sith(Person):
    def lightning(self, other: Person):
        Lightning(self, other)

class Lightning(Spell):
    def __init__(self, caster: Sith, target: Person):
        super().__init__(caster, target) -= 10

from jedi import Jedi
from sith import Sith

jedi = Jedi()

order of executed lines:

from jedi import Jedi  # start read of
from person import Person  # start AND finish read of
from spell import Spell  # start read of
from person import Person  # start AND finish read of
# finish read of

# idem for



File composition is key
Hope it will help 😀

Answered By: Valentin Fabianski

Since Python 3.5, breaking your classes up into separate files is easy.

It’s actually possible to use import statements inside of a class ClassName: block in order to import methods into a class. For instance,

class C:
    from _methods1 import a
    from _methods2 import b

    def x(self):
        return self.a() + " " + self.b()

In my example,

  • C.a() will be a method which returns the string hello
  • C.b() will be a method which returns hello goodbye
  • C.x() will thus return hello hello goodbye.

To implement a and b, do the following:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from class_def import C

def a(self: C):
    return "hello"

Explanation: TYPE_CHECKING is True when the type checker is reading the code. Since the type checker doesn’t need to execute the code, circular imports are fine when they occur within the if TYPE_CHECKING: block. The __future__ import enables postponed annotations. This is an optional; without it you must quote the type annotations (i.e. def a(self: "C"):).

We define similarly:

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from class_def import C

def b(self: C):
    return self.a() + " goodbye"

In VS Code, I can see the type detected from self.a() when hovering:
enter image description here

And everything runs as expected:

>>> from class_def import C
>>> c = C()
>>> c.x()
'hello hello goodbye'

Notes on older Python versions

For Python versions ≤3.4, TYPE_CHECKING is not defined, so this solution won’t work.

For Python versions ≤3.6, postponed annotations are not defined. As a workaround, omit from __future__ import annotations and quote the type declarations as mentioned above.

Answered By: Ben Mares

Rather than forcing oneself to engage in typing.TYPE_CHECKING shenanigans, there is a simple way to avoid circular type-hints: don’t use from imports, and use either from __future__ import annotations or string annotations.

from __future__ import annotations
import bar

class Foo:
    bar: bar.Bar
import foo

class Bar:
    foo: "foo.Foo"

This style of import is "lazily evaluated", whereas using from foo import Foo would force Python to run the entire foo module to get the final value of Foo immediately at the import line. It’s quite useful if you need to use it at runtime as well e.g. if foo.Foo or bar.Bar needs to be used within a function/method, since your functions/methods should only be called once foo.Foo and bar.Bar can be used.