Is there a built-in function in Tensorflow for shuffling or permutating tensors?


What’s the best way to permutate a tensor along both axis (first rows and then columns or vice versa)? Should I define a py_func and do it using numpy or use one of tensor transformation functions like tf.slice – I don’t know if that’s possible.

To achieve this using numpy, I usually do the following:

>>> arr = np.arange(9).reshape([3,3])
>>> arr
array([[0, 1, 2],
       [3, 4, 5],
       [6, 7, 8]])
>>> col_perm = np.random.permutation(arr.shape[1])
>>> col_perm
array([2, 1, 0])
>>> row_perm = np.random.permutation(arr.shape[0])
>>> row_perm
array([2, 0, 1])
>>> shuffled_arr = arr[row_perm,:][:,col_perm]
>>> shuffled_arr
array([[8, 7, 6],
       [2, 1, 0],
       [5, 4, 3]])
Asked By: NULL



What about tf.random_shuffle() combined with tensor transposition (tf.transpose())?

Answered By: P. Camilleri

here’s a quick function that does exactly the same as tf.random.shuffle() but also takes an axis dimension

def tf_shuffle_axis(value, axis=0, seed=None, name=None):
    perm = list(range(tf.rank(value)))
    perm[axis], perm[0] = perm[0], perm[axis]
    value = tf.random.shuffle(tf.transpose(value, perm=perm))
    value = tf.transpose(value, perm=perm)
    return value
Answered By: FarisHijazi

Though FarisHijazi’s answer is technically correct, I believe it falls short in many use cases. This is because although it shuffles along an alternative axis, it doesn’t do so uniquely.

For example


might shuffle to


using Faris’s function, but not any order in which the elements between rows are of different order.

Here is a function that shuffles along the second axis uniquely. I’ve not generalized this to any axis, but I imagine it shouldn’t be too difficult.

def tf_shuffle_second_axis(t):
    # Uniquely random along second axis
    rnd = tf.argsort(tf.random.uniform(t.shape),axis=1)
    # Add batch dimension for gathering
    rnd = tf.concat([tf.repeat(tf.range(t.shape[0])[...,tf.newaxis,tf.newaxis],tf.shape(rnd)[1],axis=1),rnd[...,tf.newaxis]],axis=2)
    # Return shuffled tensor
    return tf.gather_nd(t,rnd,batch_dims=0)

Here is an example to illustrate the difference.

t = tf.repeat(tf.random.uniform((1,4)),3,axis=0)

unique_axis_shuffle = tf_shuffle_second_axis(t)
non_unique_axis_shuffle = tf_shuffle_axis(t,axis=1)

print('Unique axis shuffle:n{}n'.format(unique_axis_shuffle))
print('Non-unique axis shuffle:n{}n'.format(non_unique_axis_shuffle))


[[0.8135692  0.10754728 0.7690911  0.84964716]
 [0.8135692  0.10754728 0.7690911  0.84964716]
 [0.8135692  0.10754728 0.7690911  0.84964716]]

Unique axis shuffle:
[[0.8135692  0.84964716 0.10754728 0.7690911 ]
 [0.7690911  0.84964716 0.8135692  0.10754728]
 [0.7690911  0.10754728 0.8135692  0.84964716]]

Non-unique axis shuffle:
[[0.10754728 0.84964716 0.8135692  0.7690911 ]
 [0.10754728 0.84964716 0.8135692  0.7690911 ]
 [0.10754728 0.84964716 0.8135692  0.7690911 ]]
Answered By: Michael Mezher
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