Defining constants in python class, is self really needed?


I want to define a set of constants in a class like:

class Foo(object):
   def __init__(self):
       self.status = VAGUE

However, I get

NameError: global name 'VAGUE' is not defined

Is there a way of defining these constants to be visiable inside the class without resorting to global or self.NONEXISTING = 0 etc.?

Asked By: Theodor



try instead of:

self.status = VAGUE

this one:

self.status = Foo.VAGUE

you MUST specify the class

Answered By: Matus

The only way is to access it through the class name such as


If accessing just VAGUE inside the __init__ function, or a function, it must be declared inside that to access it the way you want.

Using self is for the instance of the class also.

Answered By: Iacks

When you assign to names in the class body, you’re creating attributes of the class. You can’t refer to them without referring to the class either directly or indirectly. You can use Foo.VAGUE as the other answers say, or you can use self.VAGUE. You do not have to assign to attributes of self.

Usually, using self.VAGUE is what you want because it allows subclasses to redefine the attribute without having to reimplement all the methods that use them — not that that seems like a sensible thing to do in this particular example, but who knows.

Answered By: Thomas Wouters

This one is NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANY CODE by any means, but an ugly hack like below can be done.
I did this just to have better understanding of Python AST API, so anyone who uses this in real-world code should be shot before it does any harm 🙂

# -*- coding: utf-8-unix -*-
# AST hack to replace symbol reference in instance methods,
# so it will be resolved as a reference to class variables.

import inspect, types, ast

def trim(src):
    lines = src.split("n")
    start = lines[0].lstrip()
    n = lines[0].index(start)
    src = "n".join([line[n:] for line in lines])
    return src

# Method decorator that replaces symbol reference in a method
# so it will use symbols in belonging class instead of the one
# in global namespace.
def nsinclude(*args):
    # usecase: @nsinclude()
    # use classname in calling frame as a fallback
    stack = inspect.stack()
    opts  = [stack[1][3]]

    def wrap(func):
        if func.func_name == "tempfunc":
            return func

        def invoke(*args, **kw):
            base = eval(opts[0])

            src = trim(inspect.getsource(func))
            basenode = ast.parse(src)

            class hackfunc(ast.NodeTransformer):
                def visit_Name(self, node):
                        # if base class (set in @nsinclude) can resolve
                        # given name, modify AST node to use that instead
                        val = getattr(base,

                        newnode = ast.parse("%s.%s" % (opts[0],
                        newnode = next(ast.iter_child_nodes(newnode))
                        newnode = next(ast.iter_child_nodes(newnode))
                        ast.copy_location(newnode, node)
                        return ast.fix_missing_locations(newnode)
                        return node

            class hackcode(ast.NodeVisitor):
                def visit_FunctionDef(self, node):
                    if func.func_name != "tempfunc":
               = "tempfunc"


            newmod = compile(basenode, '<ast>', 'exec')
            newfunc = eval("tempfunc")
            newfunc(*args, **kw)
        return invoke

    # usecase: @nsinclude
    if args and isinstance(args[0], types.FunctionType):
        return wrap(args[0])

    # usecase: @nsinclude("someclass")
    if args and args[0]:
        opts[0] = args[0]
    return wrap

class Bar:
    FOO = 987
    BAR = 876

class Foo:
    FOO = 123
    BAR = 234

    # import from belonging class
    def dump1(self, *args):
        print("dump1: FOO = " + str(FOO))

    # import from specified class (Bar)
    def dump2(self, *args):
        print("dump2: BAR = " + str(BAR))

Answered By: Taisuke Yamada

In Python3, you can also reference VAGUE as:


This way, you are clearly referencing it as a class attribute and not an object attribute, yet this way is robust against a name change of the class. Also if you override VAGUE in a subclass, the value from the subclass will be used, just like if you were to use self.VAGUE.

Note that this method does not appear to work in Python2, at least not in my tests, where type(self) returned instance instead of the class I instantiated. Therefore Thomas Wouters’s answer is probably preferable, considering how widespread Python2 still is.

Answered By: Zeust the Unoobian
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