python linear regression predict by date


I want to predict a value at a date in the future with simple linear regression, but I can’t due to the date format.

This is the dataframe I have:

data_df = 
date          value
2016-01-15    1555
2016-01-16    1678
2016-01-17    1789

y = np.asarray(data_df['value'])
X = data_df[['date']]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split             

model = LinearRegression() #create linear regression object, y_train) #train model on train data
model.score(X_train, y_train) #check score

print (‘Coefficient: n’, model.coef_)
print (‘Intercept: n’, model.intercept_) 
coefs = zip(model.coef_, X.columns)
print "sl = %.1f + " % model.intercept_ + 
     " + ".join("%.1f %s" % coef for coef in coefs) #linear model

I tried to convert the date unsuccessfully

data_df['conv_date'] = x: x.toordinal())

data_df['conv_date'] = pd.to_datetime(, format="%Y-%M-%D")
Asked By: jeangelj



Liner regression works on numerical data. Datetime type is not appropriate for this case. You should remove that column after separating it to three separate columns (year, month and day).

Linear regression doesn’t work on date data. Therefore we need to convert it into numerical value.The following code will convert the date into numerical value:

import datetime as dt
data_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data_df['Date'])
Answered By: Chandan


1) date to dataframe index

df = df.set_index('date', append=False)

2) convert datetime object to float64 object

df = df.index.to_julian_date()

run the regression with date being the independent variable.

Answered By: Siraj S.

When using


be careful that it only converts dates values and does not take into account minutes, seconds etc.. For a complete answer on generating ordinals from full datetime objects you can use something like:

df['Datetime column'].apply(lambda x: time.mktime(x.timetuple()))
Answered By: Thomas Vetterli

It is really important to differentiate the data types that you want to use for regression/classification.

When you are using time series, that is another case but if you want to use time data as a numerical data type as your input, then you should transform your data type from datetime to float (if your data_df['conv_date] is a datetime object, if not then you should first transform it by using; data_df['conv_date'] = pd.to_datetime(, format="%Y-%M-%D") )

I agree with Thomas Vetterli’s answer. It is useful to be careful what kind of time data you are using.

If you are only using year and month data then dt.datetime.toordinal would be enough to use;

>>import datetime
>>data_df['conv_date'] = pd.to_datetime(, format="%Y-%M-%D")
>>data_df['conv_date'] = data_df['conv_date'].map(datetime.datetime.toordinal)

But if you want to use also the hour, minute and second information then time.mktime() suits better;

>>import time
>>data_df['conv_date'] = pd.to_datetime(, format="%Y-%M-%D")
>>data_df['conv_date'] = data_df['conv_date'].apply(lambda  var: time.mktime(var.timetuple()))

Also 1591016044.0 is another exemplary output from my data, it varies with changes in seconds.

Answered By: Kubra Tas

I’m diving into the different options given here and I just wanted to summarize them. It takes time to write a full answer but this is what I’ve researched.

Examples reference

I took the same date with different data types following the requirements of each method. Maybe I’m missing other options.

t = pd.Timestamp('2021-09-03 00:00:00')    
   # Timestamp('2021-09-03 00:00:00')   pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp
t2 =, 9, 3)          
   #, 9, 3)

Pandas methods

pandas.to_numeric(arg, errors='raise', downcast=None)
# argscalar, list, tuple, 1-d array, or Series
st3 = pd.to_numeric(df_example.index, downcast='integer')

Python/Pandas with the same outcome

  • pandas.Timestamp.toordinal
  • Python-date.toordinal

    Note: The Proleptic Gregorian ordinal gives the number of days elapsed from the date 01/Jan/0001. And here ordinal is called Proleptic since the Gregorian calendar itself is followed from October 1582.Aug 23, 2021.
# I checked it out and I found a 215 days difference
hoy =   #, 8, 3)
hoy.toordinal()  # 738370   - (365 * 2022)  =  340
hoy.timetuple()  # tm_yday=215  ---> 340 - 215 = 125

Python methods

Answered By: Jony