Sorting a pandas dataframe by its index


The following is a sample of my dataframe. As you’ll notice, the index (which is datetimeindex) is not sorted.

               Item Details  Unit    Op.  Qty Price  Op. Amt.
2013-04-01           5 In 1   Pcs  -56.0     172.78  -9675.58
2014-01-01         14" Blad   Pcs  -5.0      157.49   -787.45
2013-09-01  Zorrik 311 Gram   Pcs  -1.0      270.01   -270.01

I wanted to sort the index and its respective rows also. I found the following way to sort the datetimeindex:


DatetimeIndex(['2013-04-01', '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01',
           '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01',
           '2013-04-01', '2013-04-01',
           '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01',
           '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01',
           '2014-02-01', '2014-02-01'],
          dtype='datetime64[ns]', name=u'Month', length=71232, freq=None)

But it is sorting only the index; how can I sort the entire dataframe according to the sorted index?

Asked By: Jeril



I think you need sort_index:

all_data = all_data.sort_index()
Answered By: jezrael

df.sort_index() does the job but if the index is already sorted separately (as in the OP) and you want to sort the dataframe by it, then loc is what you want.

sorted_idx = df.index.sort_values()

df = df.loc[sorted_idx]


Answered By: cottontail