Telegram Bot "chat not found"


I have the following code in Python to send a message to myself from a bot.

import requests

method = 'sendMessage'
myuserid = 1949275XX
response =
    url='{0}/{1}'.format(token, method),
    data={'chat_id': myuserid, 'text': 'hello friend'}

but this returns {'description': 'Bad Request: chat not found', 'error_code': 400, 'ok': False}

What am I doing wrong? I got myuserid by sending /getid to @myidbot and I got my token from @BotFather

Asked By: Bijan



As @maak pointed out, you need to first send a message to the bot before the bot can send messages to you.

Answered By: Bijan

There is a way to send notifications messages to telegram. It’s a bit tricky but the tutorial is great!

I just sended a message of my apache state to a privat channel.
Works also on public channel but it’s not what i wantet. As you call a script (bash) you can prepare the parameters in any script language.

Hope that helps.

Answered By: Martin S.

If your trying to send messages to a group, you must add a ‘-‘ in front of your chat ID.
For example:


should be

Answered By: Dan Walters

I was using prefix @ before the value of chat_id as suggested everywhere. I removed it and it started working.
Note: if your chat id is 12345678 then you need to prefix it with -100 such that it is -10012345678.
Example Postman call:

/sendMessage?chat_id=-10012345678&text=Let's get together
Answered By: NKM

For me it worked only with @ prefix before channel id

Answered By: kashlo

If you use a username, it does not require any prefix. That means the following are incorrect:

And this is the correct case:

Answered By: vahid esmaily

If you want to use a bot message to the channel, you can refer step here


  1. Create a Telegram public channel
  2. Create a Telegram BOT (for example x_bot) via BotFather
  3. Set the x_bot as an administrator in your channel

the chat_id is @x_bot, it’s a part of that does not add your channel name.

Answered By: Tan Nguyen

I had some trouble with this after upgrading to a supergroup. The chat_id was updated and it was a bit harder to find this new id.

In the end I solved this with this by following this comment:

Answered By: StevenMalai

Telegram bots can’t send messages to user, if that user hasn’t started conversation with bot yet, or bot is not present in chat (if it’s a group chat). This issue is not related to the library, this is simply Telegram restriction, so that bots can’t spam users without their permission.

you need to first send a message to the bot before the bot can send messages to you.