Using a regular expression to replace upper case repeated letters in python with a single lowercase letter


I am trying to replace any instances of uppercase letters that repeat themselves twice in a string with a single instance of that letter in a lower case. I am using the following regular expression and it is able to match the repeated upper case letters, but I am unsure as how to make the letter that is being replaced lower case.

import re
s = 'start TT end'
re.sub(r'([A-Z]){2}', r"1", s)
>>> 'start T end'

How can I make the “1” lower case? Should I not be using a regular expression to do this?

Asked By: ajt



Pass a function as the repl argument. The MatchObject is passed to this function and .group(1) gives the first parenthesized subgroup:

import re
s = 'start TT end'
callback = lambda pat:
re.sub(r'([A-Z]){2}', callback, s)

And yes, you should use ([A-Z])1 instead of ([A-Z]){2} in order to not match e.g. AZ. (See @bobince’s answer.)

import re
s = 'start TT end'
re.sub(r'([A-Z])1', lambda pat:, s) # Inline


'start t end'
Answered By: jensgram

You can do it with a regular expression, just pass a function as the replacement like the docs say. The problem is your pattern.

As it is, your pattern matches runs of any two capital letters. I’ll leave the actual pattern to you, but it starts with AA|BB|CC|.

You can’t change case in a replacement string. You would need a replacement function:

>>> def replacement(match):
...     return
>>> re.sub(r'([A-Z])1', replacement, 'start TT end')
'start t end'
Answered By: bobince

The ‘repl’ parameter that identifies the replacement can be either a string (as you have it here) or a function. This will do what you wish:

import re

def toLowercase(matchobj):

s = 'start TT end'
re.sub(r'([A-Z]){2}', toLowercase, s)
>>> 'start t end'
Answered By: bgporter

Try this:

def tol(m):

s = 'start TTT AAA end'
re.sub(r'([A-Z]){2,}', tol, s)

Note that this doesn’t replace singe upper letters. If you want to do it, use r'([A-Z]){1,}'.

Answered By: khachik

WARNING! This post has no re as requested. Continue with your own responsibility!

I do not know how possible are corner cases but this is how normal Python does my naive coding.

import string
s = 'start TT end AAA BBBBBBB'
for c in string.uppercase:
    s = s.replace(c+c,c.lower())
print s
""" Output:
start t end aA bbbB
Answered By: Tony Veijalainen
def replace(s):
    return " ".join(re.findall(r"[A-Z]){2}", s)).lower()

I guess this is what you are looking for.

Answered By: Akash g krishnan
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