Python: take max N elements from some list


Is there some function which would return me the N highest elements from some list?

I.e. if max(l) returns the single highest element, sth. like max(l, count=10) would return me a list of the 10 highest numbers (or less if l is smaller).

Or what would be an efficient easy way to get these? (Except the obvious canonical implementation; also, no such things which involve sorting the whole list first because that would be inefficient compared to the canonical solution.)

Asked By: Albert



A fairly efficient solution is a variation of quicksort where recursion is limited to the right part of the pivot until the pivot point position is higher than the number of elements required (with a few extra conditions to deal with border cases of course).

The standard library has heapq.nlargest, as pointed out by others here.

Start with the first 10 from L, call that X. Note the minimum value of X.

Loop over L[i] for i over the rest of L.

If L[i] is greater than min(X), drop min(X) from X and insert L[i]. You may need to keep X as a sorted linked list and do an insertion. Update min(X).

At the end, you have the 10 largest values in X.

I suspect that will be O(kN) (where k is 10 here) since insertion sort is linear. Might be what gsl uses, so if you can read some C code:

Probably something in numpy that does this.

Answered By: Spacedman


>>> import heapq, random
>>> heapq.nlargest(3, (random.gauss(0, 1) for _ in xrange(100)))
[1.9730767232998481, 1.9326532289091407, 1.7762926716966254]
Answered By: Gareth Rees

The function in the standard library that does this is heapq.nlargest

Answered By: Dave Webb

If you do not mind using pandas then:

import pandas as pd
N = 10
column_name = 0
pd.DataFrame(your_array).nlargest(N, column_name)

The above code will show you the N largest values along with the index position of each value.

Pandas nlargest documentation

Answered By: Jack
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