Remove first x number of characters from each row in a column of a Python dataframe


I have a pandas dataframe with about 1,500 rows and 15 columns. For one specific column, I would like to remove the first 3 characters of each row. As a simple example here is a dataframe:

import pandas as pd

d = {
    'Report Number':['8761234567', '8679876543','8994434555'],
    'Name'         :['George', 'Bill', 'Sally']

d = pd.DataFrame(d)

I would like to remove the first three characters from each field in the Report Number column of dataframe d.

Asked By: d84_n1nj4



Use vectorised str methods to slice each string entry

In [11]:
d['Report Number'] = d['Report Number'].str[3:]

     Name Report Number
0  George       1234567
1    Bill       9876543
2   Sally       4434555
Answered By: EdChum

It is worth noting Pandas “vectorised” str methods are no more than Python-level loops.

Assuming clean data, you will often find a list comprehension more efficient:

# Python 3.6.0, Pandas 0.19.2

d = pd.concat([d]*10000, ignore_index=True)

%timeit d['Report Number'].str[3:]           # 12.1 ms per loop
%timeit [i[3:] for i in d['Report Number']]  # 5.78 ms per loop

Note these aren’t equivalent, since the list comprehension does not deal with null data and other edge cases. For these situations, you may prefer the Pandas solution.

Answered By: jpp

You can also call str.slice. To remove the first 3 characters from each string:

df['Report Number'] = df['Report Number'].str.slice(3)

To slice the 2-4th characters from each string:

df['Report Number'] = df['Report Number'].str.slice(1, 4)
Answered By: cottontail