Progress bar for a "for" loop in Python script


I am trying to use a progress bar in a python script that I have since I have a for loop that takes quite a bit of time to process. I have looked at other explanations on here already but I am still confused. Here is what my for loop looks like in my script:

for member in members:
    url = ""+str(member) 
    header = {"Authorization": authorization_code}
    api_response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
    member_check = json.loads(api_response.text)
    member_status = member_check.get("response") 

I have read a bit about using the progressbar library but my confusion lies in where I have to put the code to support a progress bar relative to my for loop I have included here.

Asked By: user7681184



The basic idea of a progress bar from a loop is to insert points within the loop to update the progress bar. An example would be something like this:

membersProcessed = 0
for member in members:
    url = ""+str(member) 
    header = {"Authorization": authorization_code}
    api_response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
    member_check = json.loads(api_response.text)
    member_status = member_check.get("response") 

    membersProcessed += 1
    print 'Progress: {}/{} members processed'.format(membersProcessed, len(members))

Maybe this helps.

And you could include a more detailed one by adding points after certain commands within the for loop as well.

Answered By: Matthias

Using tqdm:

from tqdm import tqdm

for member in tqdm(members):
    # current contents of your for loop

tqdm() takes members and iterates over it, but each time it yields a new member (between each iteration of the loop), it also updates a progress bar on your command line. That makes this actually quite similar to Matthias’ solution (printing stuff at the end of each loop iteration), but the progressbar update logic is nicely encapsulated inside tqdm.

Answered By: Jon

I think this could be most elegantly be solved in this manner:

import progressbar

bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=len(members)).start()

for idx, member in enumerate(members):
Answered By: Joonatan Samuel

To show the progress bar:

from tqdm import tqdm

for x in tqdm(my_list):
    # do something with x

#### In case using with enumerate:
for i, x in enumerate( tqdm(my_list) ):
    # do something with i and x

enter image description here

Some notes on the attached picture:

49%: It already finished 49% of the whole process

979/2000: Working on the 979th element/iteration, out of 2000 elements/iterations

01:50: It’s been running for 1 minute and 50 seconds

01:55: Estimated time left to run

8.81 it/s: On average, it processes 8.81 elements per second

Answered By: Catbuilts

Or you can use this (can be used for any situation):

for i in tqdm (range (1), desc="Loading..."):
    for member in members:
       url = ""+str(member) 
       header = {"Authorization": authorization_code}
       api_response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
       member_check = json.loads(api_response.text)
       member_status = member_check.get("response") 
Answered By: Aayush Gautam

The rich module has also a progress bar that can be included in your for loop:

import time  # for demonstration only
from rich.progress import track

members = ['Liam', 'Olivia', 'Noah', 'Emma', 'Oliver', 'Charlotte']  # for demonstration only

for member in track(members):
    # your code here
    print(member)  # for demonstration only
    time.sleep(1.5)  # for demonstration only

Note: time is only used to get the delay for the screenshot.

Here’s a screenshot from within the run:
enter image description here

Answered By: MagnusO_O

Here Is a simple progress bar code with 0 imports

def progressbar(current_value,total_value,bar_lengh,progress_char): 
    percentage = int((current_value/total_value)*100)                                                # Percent Completed Calculation 
    progress = int((bar_lengh * current_value ) / total_value)                                       # Progress Done Calculation 
    loadbar = "Progress: [{:{len}}]{}%".format(progress*progress_char,percentage,len = bar_lengh)    # Progress Bar String
    print(loadbar, end='r')                                                                         # Progress Bar Output

if __name__ == "__main__":
    the_list = range(1,301) 
    for i in the_list:

enter image description here
You can implement it like so in your case.

def progressbar(current_value,total_value,bar_lengh,progress_char): 
    percentage = int((current_value/total_value)*100)                                            
    progress = int((bar_lengh * current_value ) / total_value)                                   
    loadbar = "Progress: [{:{len}}]{}%".format(progress*progress_char,percentage,len = bar_lengh)
    print(loadbar, end='r')                                                                     

for member in members:
    url = ""+str(member) 
    header = {"Authorization": authorization_code}
    api_response = requests.get(url, headers=header)
    member_check = json.loads(api_response.text)
    member_status = member_check.get("response")
    progressbar(member,len(members),30,'■')         # (Current iteration, Total iterations, Progress bar lenght, Progress bar character)
print("n")                                         # New Line After Progress Bar Completed 
Answered By: Andrey Bistrinin
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